
I dont have any talents/skills...?

by  |  earlier

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no, none, except computer skills. thats it.




  1. have you tried photography :]

  2. I'm sure you can tie your shoes and zip up your pants.  Those are skills, too, which you have acquired over the years and as you said, you know about computers.  Again, this is something you have learned.  Thus I conclude that you are able to learn and that takes time and discipline.  

    Don't be so hard upon yourself and say "no, none".  Of course you could look at the glass as completely empty, but I bet it is at least half full.  

  3. well .... dude !! see ..there is no harm ..because u r nt the only one

    think that u r perfect and if u dont feel better then ... ask yr soul what talent do u have ?

    see some people dont know how to switch on computer ..still but u have that in you and thats amazing

    find out qualities in you ..not negatives points ..the more u find them ..ull get more pissed off  ! so feel yr slf unique  against the odd's and find out that talent in yourself ..and remember only u can find it only u can create it !!!


  4. Why don't you try making your own program or website? Or maybe you can design computer or laptop designs and send it to a computer company such as Windows, Dell etc

  5. Do you want any(becides computer skills)? If so pick something and work at it...that is the only way to gain a skill!

  6. Don't be so hard on your self, we all have a talent or skill of some sort.  Some of us may not know what that particular skill is yet but it is there.  It may not be something like musical talent or painting or drawing so the whole world can see.  It might be your personality, it could be mathematics, or sewing, or even something as simple as common sense,(not all o f us have that)  A talent is something that you are good at, and skill could be something that you have basic ability and with the right coaching and teaching, and practise you become very proficient and precise at.  You could always look at yourself as a diamond in the rough, not yet cut and shined up.  

  7. that's impossible! you just haven't found it [them] yet.

  8. Maybe you could say, "I don't know what my talents or skills are yet."

  9. and?

    what's the question?

  10. everyone has a talent.....maybe you just haven't discovered your yet

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