
I dont know about you, but i ******* hate vodka.?

by  |  earlier

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Do you hate vodka?

I sure do.




  1. Try it with Red Bull concentrate

  2. Why would anybody in this world hate vodka? sorry but it is the best tasting thing in this world...there is nothing better than drinking vodka with a cup full of ice...yummmm GREYY GOOSE BABY!!!!!!!!!

  3. What's there to hate about vodka? It's a pretty tasteless alcohol-water mixture. Personally, I prefer distilled products that have some flavor, like brandy.

  4. Yeah, me neither. Burns and not in the good way

  5. I always hated anything that gave me a hangover (at least for a few hours anyway).  Ive forgiven vodka but am still mad at Southern Comfort from 25 years ago.

  6. Vodka isn't that good straight, but it's great as a mixer with juices.  The after effects are less sever that with other spirits, and you can get away with using cheap brands.

  7. its ok with sierra mist of something similar

  8. love it!

  9. i like it cause it goes with so much... but it doesnt like me cause i get so so sick whenever i drink it.

    So i guess u could say i hate it too

  10. i love the stuff, it is one booze you can mix with virtually anything, i love it with lemonade, cranberry juice, grape juice, grapefruit juice, lime juice, orange juice, in a fuzzy navel, vodka blush is my favorite, yummy

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