
I dont know how to convince my parent to let me get my license at 16!?

by  |  earlier

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I drive all the time but my parent is scared of letting me go out on my own. I have a little brother and we've tried and tried to convince her! One minute she agrees and the next she don't! Why is she afraid to trust me?!




  1. just try to earn thier trust. um ask if u can drive them wherever they are goin. show them that u deserve it. earn their trust.... good luck

  2. You could tell them you're willing to run errands when they need to and it's important if there's a family emergency.  Good luck!

  3. Well where I'm from, that's the minimum age.

    Explain to them that you want to be more independent. Soon you'll be out of high school, and you'll need to learn how to drive if you want to go anywhere. It's less of a hassle for them too. And you can drive younger siblings around and do favours for them.

    Everyone wins :)

    If you have the money for it, then go ahead and get it. I don't think you needed parental approval for a G1. And my parents made me pay fo rmy own license ><

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