
I dont know how to handle this anymoree?

by  |  earlier

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my mom is very overdramatic. she makes a little thin g seem really big. if we fight, shell just go off on this whole thing saying that shell just leave and no one will miss her. or if i say something if she said something weird, shell just say she wont talk anymore. its like i cant fighjt with her, or ill end up lossing every fight with her and not comprising what so ever cuz she gets nearly suicidal or something. i love her so much, but i just feel like our relationship is strained or something. she never wants to fight, but things are always left unsaid. and i feel like she is so overbearing. what should i do and how can i handle her without hurting her. ;[




  1. first if you cant say anything than you should try the silent treatment.

    but if it gets worst then i think u and ur mom should go to a family counselor.


  2. Tell her if she doesn't straighten up you'll call the police. Also, what state do you live in?

  3. i would also say the silent treatment,  

  4. okay, first of all, i would NOT suggest giving her the silent treatment, that doesn't solve anything and it'll just make things worst. when she's in a good mood, or if there's a time where you guy aren't fighting, i think you should pull her to the side and sit her down and tell her how you feel. don't yell at her or anything, speak to her in a calm, caring tone because i know that sometimes when we have to express our feelings/issues to the source of the problem, we tend to get a bit overwhelmed by our emotions and end up yelling, or talking with an attitude without realizing. if it ends up hurting her, then just tell her your sorry, but this is something she has to know. tell her exactly what you're telling us - - that you love her so much, and how you feel like your relationship with her is diminishing because of this. hopefully she'll be receptive to what you tell her, and you two will be alright.

    hope this helps! =]

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