
I dont know how to keep quiet when it is necessary?

by  |  earlier

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hi! friend u may laugh at my peculiar problem.

but i am tired of speaking continuesly .

i speak for whole day. and also i make sense but i end up in losing my precious energy which i can use for other purpose.

i daily make promises to myself but forget everything when i am with someone.

how can i keep quiet




  1. Start chewing bubelgum. Do not take it in but keep on chewing on and on.

  2. comes with'll get there!

  3. Just try changing in little bits at a time, don't try and go silent for a whole day. Just set little goals, like "I'm not gonna say anything for then next 5 minutes."

    Do that a few times a day for a while, then eventually increase it to staying quiet in 10 minute increments. Eventually you'll have the confidence and self control to know that you can hush up when you need to.

    One thing you should NOT do it beat yourself up for it or let others do so. Just keep reaching little goals. It's like tearing a small hole in a tightly bound fabric. It starts out small, but once you make that little tear it just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

  4. how old r u?

  5. wow... take it as a good thing. start taking speech courses at school; maybe you were meant for public speaking or something... you have a gift dude!!

  6. It's better to be chatty than boring. Try chewing gum or get whoever you are talking with to tell you to shut up if you are talking too much.

  7. Please just see yourself from the other side if you can't stand yourself imagine other people.

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