
I dont know how to tell my bf about the baby?

by  |  earlier

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I am terrified to tell my boyfriend that i am pregnant. He already had a daughter and he is always talking about how much he doesn't like kids and that he does not want another kid. in fact he claims that he wants to sell his testicles so he will not have to worry about it and receive a lot of money for it at the same time. how should i tell him?





  2. Then he shouldn't have had s*x with you!  If he asks you for an abortion, dump his ***.  He's obviously way immature, no matter how old he is.

  3. The sooner you tell him the better. You will just stress about it until you do. It takes two to make a baby so he will hopefully be mature about it and take some responsibility. If he doesn't it's not your fault, he might come round in time. If not then it's his loss. Good Luck x

  4. Sorry but your question begs a question or two in return...if he's so anti children why were you not protecting yourselves properly??  I know that no one method of contraception is 100% but why weren't you on the pill/coil/injection etc etc with him using a condom??  If you were being this careful I apologise xx

    However you choose to tell him, this is both of your responsibility, if he's as anti children as you say, are you clear in your head what you want to do before you speak to him??...good luck xx

  5. Is this a joke?

    If you're serious, the sooner you tell him, the better.

    He can't get mad about you getting pregnant if he agreed to have s*x with you. He already has a daughter, I'm pretty sure he knows how to make 'em.

    Sit him down and tell him. He might be upset, but, he'll have to learn to be mature and help you with this.

    Best of luck, and congratulations.

  6. I think the sooner the better, this way you will know if you want to stay with him or not.  If he doesnt want kids then he shouldnt be having s*x without protection.  

  7. I know exactly what you are going through and the harassment by some on here simply amazes me.

    Whose to know if you did or did not use BC of some form its not failproof.

    Anyways on to my answer. My childs father always said hed be there for me IF something ever happened. It was two weeks before he left for "college" in VA. I told him I was pregnant and he turned into a whiny hostile little brat begging me for an abortion, determined I was going to have one. I said no. Comes to find out he had left me for another girl and wasnt even registered in any VA college.

    Im doing this on my own and now im happy that im on my own. Do what is best for you and your baby. If he doesnt want kids then maybe he should sell his testicles or at least stop sleeping around you know?

    I wish you the best of luck, this was how I told Eric

    "Im Late,"

    His response "And it was positive wasn't it?"

    sometimes its easy to start that conversation. It might hurt but hopefully he comes around!!

  8. If he doesnt want a kid why did you to make one? Really in this day in age there is no ******* excuse.

    He could of had a vasectomy or one of you could of used one of the many forms of birth control..

    I ******* hate people.

  9. Hmm...this is a sticky situation. If he dislikes kids maybe he should have used a condom or you should have been on birth control. You should just come out and tell him. Honesty and straight forwardness are always the best way to go and if he does not want to own up to the responsibility then maybe it is time to move on.  

  10. Why Why Why is he having s*x? Why why why are you having s*x with a man who doesn't like kids?

    Sexual intercourse although pleasurable was intended for procreation.  

    Why why why are so many people having s*x outside of marriage? I see a lot of answers here that tell people to use condoms.  Condoms aren't the answer.  

    Abstinance Is!

    You should tell him that your period didn't come because you two had s*x. He is probably going to be ticked off and because he already has one unwanted child he'll have two UNWANTED children.  

    I am sorry but you should know better.

  11. if he didnt want to have kids in the first place then he shouldnt be having s*x. anyways, just tell him that you are pregnant. if you really loves you then he should be there for the baby and you.

  12. woah I would jus dump his *** cuz Im sure u want kiids in the future Im gussing he onlii wants s*x s*x s*x fU C K I N G AS S H OL E tell him and if he keeps tlking S H I T dump his as S rite away

  13. you just tell him. He is the father and will hopefully take responsibilities for this. He may be a little hostile in the beginning but eventually get over it and become excited.  

  14. If he didn't want kids he should have worn a condom. That is unless you told him you were on BC and really not.

    The only thing I can suggest is tell him and run. He'll either get over it or leave.  

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