
I dont know how to tell my parents that im g*y ???

by  |  earlier

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i need your help people, my parents are looking foward to have a grandbaby and with my problem i dont know their reaction. what can i do ??




  1. Being g*y is NOT a problem its a wonderful gift and you can have children as a g*y person.  We have a lovely baby daughter, thank you so much.  It takes a bit more work and a bit of organization, but either through a friend, or a paid surrogate, or adoption, you most certainly can do it.

    Kind thoughts,


  2. Change your behavior it is against God's plan of procreation.  God our father said multiply and replenish the earth and have rejoicing therein.  How are you to do this and fulfill his greatest commandment when you are going against nature?   Ask for God's help.  He can heal any who come unto him.  

  3. Just tell them you're not interested in having children, there are many straight people who don't want to have children so it doesn't mean that you're g*y just for that reason.

  4. Dear George:

    I see this happening too many times across our wonderful country. People have lost the ability to communicate with family, friends and loved ones because of differences and mostly it can be attributed to fear.

    First of all, your state of being or life is about to collide with their dreams, this happens. The approach you need to take is by telling them that you in fact are g*y. You are still "George" the child they brought into this world and cared for but you are simply g*y. This is merely one facet of who you are and it should not change their love for you.

    It will be disappointing because they want to continue the blood line as is human nature. You can however adopt a beautiful living, breathing child in the future and give that child the same, if not more, love than you received. If that sounds like a good option for you then go for it. If not then simply resign yourself to the fact that there will be no grand kids and I'm quite certain your parents will find the strength to survive it.

    I would need to know more about your families dynamics to advise you further but for now this is what I see as your best course. You decide for yourself and take what I've said, use what you like and discard the rest.

    All my answers are fat free, cholesterol free, sugar free and have no calories. Now caffeine free. ©2008 Paranormal Hamburger (Humor) All Rights Reserved. My answers are made from 100% recycled materials. Think Green, Answer Green.

  5. Just open your my mouth and say that you are g*y. If they can't accept you of who you are then probably they have issues with g*y society.

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