
I dont know how to write this.....good?

by Guest58043  |  earlier

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I am writing a dance essay and i need to describe the beginning of the dance and how i started but i dont know how to make it sound all grammatically correct and quite literate.

I need to say that i started on the floor, legs bent, head resting on them with arms hanging next to me with hands resting on floor.

Then i stretch my legs out, move both arms together and they help pull me and then i dop to the floor.

Please help i am in a real pickle! Thanks .x.




  1. I have tried to visualise this and am struggling slightly meaning that you do need to rephrase slightly - dance is very difficult to describe though - so as someone else suggested - try and use imagary where possible....

    Would be it correct to say....  start sat on the floor, with knees bent into the chest, head resting on knees - arms hanging loosely by sides with palms (?) into the floor?

    Then - which direction do you stretch legs.... do you stretch legs forward in front of body?

    How do your arms come together.....  do you lift arms to shoulder height and then bring them together in front of the body..... or do you raise both arms towards the ceiling.....  think about what direction you move body parts and how they get there....

    don't know if that helps at all???

  2. take rest

  3. explain what motives you had like if you used movements that made you think about the topic and why.

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