
I dont know if I should move out or stay?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I am 21 yrs old and I recieved alot of parking tickets a yr ago and never paid them. Then they started issuing out warrants for not me but my dads arrest because his name is on the car. I never told him but he some how found out yesterday. Yeah I know it was ****** up wut I did but I was gonna take care of it cuz I dont want to keep relying on them to help me out. SO newayz they were pissed when they found out and they took my car keys away and my cell phone and hid all the house phones when I got home from work last night. now they gave me my phone back and they said I can only use the car to go to work and thats it. but I havve a bf and I cant even drive my car to go see him. and when I come home from work not only do I have to give them the keys, I have to give them the money that I made and they said that if I do not do both of them then I cant live here anymore. I dont want to stay here under their control but if I leave I will be carless and have no phone. so I dont know if I should move out or stay? (sorry so long)




  1. Yeah I understand. It comes with being 21 y/o. I can see you were trying to do the best you could in given circumstances, you just didn't know any better. You were trying to protect everyone, including your parents. In this situation, it would be good to contact the court and see what you can negotiate with them to come out clean. Advice on how to deal with the court on the blog spot below.

  2. I would say stay. You need to have a talk with your parents, but you did make the mistake. It's your fault that the tickets weren't payed. Of course it is up to you to decide whether to go or not, but do you think you're ready to live on your own? Also are you willing to go through the trouble with your parents?  

  3. I think you should stay. You're using your dad's car, he can take it away if  he wants to. It's their house, they can keep you from using their phones. Are you paying rent or anything? Are you paying your cell phone bill? If not you should at least pay for those parking tickets....

    You should have taken care of the tickets as soon as you got them, not wait until there is a warrant out for your arrest. Especially when it is effecting someone else i.e. your DAD.

    I don't think you're ready to live alone. I am 21 as well and I've living on my own for 2 years now. When I got a ticket I took care of it within a month and that was when I was 19. And I haven't made the same mistake again. The key is learning from your mistakes and fessing up and dealing with the consequences. You have some growing up to do.

    EDIT: Pssh, yeah, they shouldn't take your car away then. Sorry about that assumption. Everything else still applies, next time just be up front when you mess up. They'll respect that more than if you hide it from them and don't get it taken care of.

  4. take your medicine, you made the mistake.

  5. shouldn't have gotten parking tickets..? You should have paid for those tickets an YEAR ago. That's not too responsible what you did :/. Pay for the tickets and stay at your parents' house because....I'm sorry but it seems you need some watching over :].

  6. Your poor parents, your so selfish, grow up and face your responsibilities.

  7. i know it sucks but they are only looking out for your best interest. I bet when you prove you are responsible again and the tickets are paid and your dad isn't facing going to court or jail things will definitely get better around the house. hang in there and prove your an adult.

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