
I dont know if he is g*y if he is why would he sleep with a girl?

by  |  earlier

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i put a post on here earlier about my g*y best friend who will sleep with me if i give him money.(i am a girl by the way) he knows i love and adore him so i do it coz i want to be close to him. i have worked out that over the past 12 months i have given him over 5 thousand pounds and now he wants me to give him another 3 thousand so he can do his masters degree. he says he loves me and we have a future together i just dont know what to do if i dont give him the money i will lose him and i couldnt cope with that i would alays be wondering what if please help




  1. Let me be frank... Hes a prostitute who is g*y  but will sleep with girls who r staight, darling, money cant buy you love, tell him 2 find another girl to pay him, hes using you for money... i know you love him, but youve got 2 4get about him hun, it may hurt for a while but if hes g*y he'll never REALLY love you, and ther WONT BE a future 4 u 2, im tres, vair sorry sweetie

    go out and find a nice guy who RLY loves you and care for you, not your bff whos using your money 2 go 2 college... just make sure u make the right decision,

    p.s. im not insulting you, im just tryin 2 help u


  2. If he loved you he wouldn't be charging you, he is using you .

  3. he isn't g*y unless he has not came outtah da closet    to h1/2ve ppl think he likes girls but deep down he wants  trousher trout lol

  4. Money can't buy love, so, stop giving him money.  That's exploitation.

  5. You are joking...?

    Why would you want to pay good money to a g*y man (who would obviously finds s*x with women a chore) just to have s*x with you?  Of course you don't have a romantic future together.  If he's g*y - he'll be having g*y relationships too!!

    Get out of there and find someone who'll respect you.  This guy isn't a friend or he wouldn't be treating you like this.  He's playing with you emotionally and financially.  Just stop it. Now.

  6. You're a fool, sorry. Read Your question and realise, then cry for a bit, then delete His phone number from Your mind and Your mobile.

  7.   I think you answered your question, why would he sleep with you? For money.  He doesn't like you if he's g*y or else he would be straight.  You can let him borrow the money with a loan agreement but don't be stupid and give a guy money for sleeping with you. He says he loves you as a friend and there is a future as being friends don't get it twisted. He may not even be g*y if he's actively sleeping with you.  

  8. you're a mug, get out more

  9. Please realise that this guy is using you. I cannot imagine anyone who would have a best friend who asks for money in return for s*x. Gosh, he is a man - w***e. Sorry but it's true. If you love him you need to ask him whether he loves you because if he doesn't but just wants the s*x, he is crazy. Tell him he needs counselling or something, because this is not right. Surely there are other ways for him to get money to pay of his degree fees. I would try to distance myself from him if I were you, you deserve better

    hope that helps--x

  10. Im sorry to tell you that he is using you for money. When someone is g*y they are g*y. He loves the money not you. You have to open your eyes because he is using you. Don't give him any more money and cut him out of your life, he is a free loader low life who will stoop this low into actually manipulating you to believe he is "turned straight"..all he sees is the money. Wise up.

  11. are you really that dumb, how can you loose him you daft cow you have never had him, he is s******g you for money yes s******g you.

    he does not love you or care about you, your just a cash cow.

    where is your self respect and how low are you going to feel when he walks away once the money runs out or he no longer needs your money.

    stop being a mug coz that's what you are

  12. wow can you spell w h o r e

  13. WTH ?

    He sounds like some one who is a user and enjoys doing it.

    Stop giving this fool your money . That is the only reason he is coming around you is for your money. He knows that you have feelings for him and he is taking advantage of you.  A real man and a true friend takes care of his own finances and doesn't uses his friends .

    Keep your money and pay for you to go to college or what ever it is you want to do with your life. I would want to be with a man who only interested in sleeping with me unless i pay him.

    Good luck dear and find a man that's  going to appreciate you for the wonderful person you are. Not a user who you have to pay to be your friend.

  14. He's just using you, with that amount of money you can go to college or do a course yourself, do something where you'll meet people and make real friends.

    Do something that will make you proud of yourself.

    He will only make you hate yourself more and more, and you don't deserve that, you're obviously a kind and caring person you just need to direct it towards people who want and deserve it.

  15. omg

    okay so he is a male hooker

    and you are the punter!

    your paying for s*x?

    thats just sick and tbh desperate!

    no excuse for it at all

    you do realise both of you could go to prison for this?

  16. WTF

  17. dont know where to begin...paying for s*x..from a g*y man...unless ure Eddie Murphy u cant get away with it.

  18. He's a using prostitute!

    You cannot be that desperate!

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