
I dont know if i have depression? i always seem to feel sad but never feel like crying and never cry. ?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want sympathy and dont want to be told to see a doctor because i dont want to. but i have been feeling this way since 13 or so. well since i started high school really. sometimes i feel happy but no really and i used to suffer panic attacks. things have gradually got better without any medication and havent talked about it to anyone. i dont feel like cutting my wrists or anything so i think its just a growing phase. i smoked weed the other night and i think that has made this worse so i wont be doing it again. i also feel not in touch with reality im 16 so i dont know if i have depression? thanks guys.




  1. Depression takes many guises.

    Not everyone cries a lot.  Some people are constantly angry, others constantly sad.

    Truthfully, if you really are worried about your emotional wellbeing, you do need to go & see a doctor.

  2. Your mental health is in question if the sadness has no cause.  If you feel sad because of something then you are fine mentally.  If it's the former no improvement can be made by going to yahoo answers.  On the other hand the latter can be solved through lifestyle changes.

    Some ways to kick the blues:

    Exercise (it really does help.)

    Learn to play an instrument or pick up another creative habit

    Socialize more.

  3. Yes, sounds like depression.

    You need exercise. When was the last time you got off your duff and did some exercise? I thought so.  

  4. Weed and any chemical substance gives you depression/and/or side effects, so stay clear of that, cause it'll make you worse.

    Between the ages of 14-18 most of us go through periods in our lives of emotional upheaval, as it's a turning point from teenager to adult, and not only do we go through bodily changes, but mental and physiological changes as well.

    You're probably making the adjustments well, if you have realised that something is wrong, and you have been able to control them to a certain extent, it's just some teens can't and this is when help from a G.P is needed.

    Crying is a way of releasing tension/stress, but try not to be too self controlled, as this in itself will make you ill, and holding back feelings won't help.

    You're obviously quite a strong person, and will get stronger, with time.

    Try and find books etc on Yoga, or ways of relaxation techniques, these will certainly help you in times of depression and anxiety.

    good luck

    Caramac x

  5. Well first of all, lay off the weed if it made it worse.I'd avoid alcohol too.

    I think you need to speak to your doctor. I am bi-polar so I know what its like to have a really bad dip but then bounce back up happy. And dont speak to me about panic attacks! meh..

    If you are really worried about it, speak to a doc, if you think its just part of growing up, then just try and stay positive.

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