
I dont know if i should i trust her?

by  |  earlier

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theres this boy that lives in the house behind mine, and my friend told me he likes me, and that he wants to talk to me. but idk if i should believe her because she makes up stories ALOT, but it kinda does seem like he likes me, and the other day she told me that she got his number for me. i usually dont like it when my friends talk to boys for me but my parents dont let me talk to them so i dont mind it for now. but i dont know if shes telling the truth or not. and when i asked her wat his number was she told me tht her mom took it bcuz she wrote it on a napkin!?! and now i kinda like him cuz we kinda talk outsde alittle but i dont wanna say i like him bcuz idk if he really likes me. i need some good advice.




  1. You need to find out from the guy. Talk to him, get to know him better, it usually goes smoothly either way, without having to ask him outright. Just let it go in the natural direction, don't worry about it too much. If he likes you, he'll let you know in some way, without going through your friend.

  2. It doesn't matter if your friend is lying or not. Just talk to him some more. Flirt a little. Just step outside your comfort zone, you don't want to spend your whole life saying what if.


  3. maybe she is lying to trick you into talking to him, so basiclaly she helping you with a white like or she just playin lying

    maybe shes guna get you two togthger and spray her wit a spider gun

  4. you should trust her but not on all of the things she says, like the number. Try and talk a bit more to him and ask him if he did give his number to her. If he says no then just don't believe her and tell her. If he says yes then just ask him if he likes you a bit or just tell him you like him because he won't hate you for it.

  5. well firstly... you never tell a boy you like him. let him get sprung over you and hope to Jesus lord almighty that you like him back. then when youre for sure he likes you tell him you like him back..

    about your friend.. just be like oh DO YOU SWEAR TO GOD that he said this this and that.. and that he gave you his number..

    about the number... if you have a house phone *67 his number and call him using a fake name..!

    try talking him a little more on the dL.. im not saying sneak out but its worth a try...


  6. Don't call him.  Take things as they come along.  If you talk to him a little bit already, leave it at that.  When you see him out, wave or say hello or something, but don't go overboard and tell him you like him.  Let him make the first move.

    When your friend asks you if you called him, tell her you did and you call him all the time now.  See how she reacts.  She may have given you a fake number.  If she doesn't react ina way that would suggest she was making everything up, then say "Just kidding!  I don't need to call boys.  I talk to the ones I want to talk to and leave the rest for you."

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