
I dont know if im preganant only 14 years old?

by  |  earlier

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Ok,me and my bf was going to have s*x the last day of my period and then wen he was about to insert it,i said not to becuz it hurt(we used a condom).Then he just rubbed his p***s on me without a condom,he took it off.Can I be pregnant?Im only 14.




  1. Go play with your barbies.You must be bored because you are putting fake stuff on the web.

  2. Maybe...Why not take a pregnancy test?

  3. Probably not.

    But an expert would say there's a .001% possibility.

    But try not to make mountains out of mole hills, and be more responsible.

  4. The question is did he insert his p***s into you after he took of the condom? Anyways from what I understand from reading you question I highly doubt that you are pregnant. But seriously just because your only 14 does not mean you can't become pregnant and condoms aren't a 100% garrantee either... make sure when you go back to school to look into getting into the s*x education class.

  5. I'm not gonna lecture about what you did because we have all been teenagers and we all experiment. I went through the same thing and then i also became worried about pregnant. The truth is that there is actually a chance you could be but it is extremely unlikely unless he inserted it into you without a condom (even if only slightly) could you possible be pregnant but even then the chances are minimal. The safest thing to do it to get a pregnancy test just to make sure. Trust me it is extremely reassuring when it confirms you arent. Good Luck and have Fun.

  6. if he came near your v****a there is a very very slim chance that sperm can actually go enter.

    but i think you will be fine.

    isnt 14 too d**n young??

    kids these days, eh?

  7. probably not but in the future don't mess around down there without a condom.

  8. If no fluid went into you, you should be okay. Don't worry about it.

  9. Well if your only 14 maybe you shouldnt be putting yourself in those kind of situations, your obviously too immature. Its not likely but then again stranger things have happened! Get a test if you want to be mega sure.

  10. It's possible that some pre-ejaculation was on his p***s and got inside you. See a doctor right away.  

  11. It is highly unlikely, but it could happen.

  12. Doubtful you are pregnant.  NEVER let him down there without a condom.  Good luck.

  13. If you had s*x the last day of your period, and he never went inside you, and no fluid got inside, then i would say you are probably not pregnant.  Never ever have any contact down there without a condom though, even if you are on the pill. Try your local family planning clinic they can give you free or very cheap birth control and many places won't tell your parents, its your choice, but i agree that you are too young to be having s*x.

  14. You dont have to worry.  You will be ok.

  15. well if it didn't go up and he aint nut you fine and the first time is always going to hurt

  16. you've got a reeeeaaallly slim chance.

    dont go ruining your life by worrying every time you do it and think of the consequences if you actually do get pregnant. just think before you do, even if you're doing it with a condom.

  17. Nope, you are still too young to get pregnant.

  18. There is probably not a lot of chance you are pregnant. Firstly, your egg/ova does not come out of the fallopian tube until about day 14 of your cycle, so there was probably no egg ready to be fertilized. Also, it depends on if he ejaculated/came/***. If he was just erect, and didn't come, then no s***n and hence no sperm would have been present to fertilize you anyway. Hope this helps, take a pregnancy test if you are really worried! Good luck!

  19. I think you should be fine.  Nothing to worry about.

  20. yeah you can

    wow im 14 and have a bf and i would never have s*x with him

    lmfao !!!!!! if he only goes out with u to have s*x....thats funny

    i guess some 14 year olds are horny, little dummies

    lol, imagine ur pregnant !!!!!!!!

  21. If no s***n went into your v****a you should be fine....I'd say waiting till you miss your period would be a better time to ask this question. Maybe this is why 14 year olds shouldn't be having s*x, or should be better educated...

  22. Next time don't sleep during s*x ed.  You're NOT old enough to be having s*x.  Talk to your mother about this.

  23. Yes possibly, it doesn't matter how old you are... just take a pregnancy test asap... and if you are going to start having s*x with your boyfriend i recommend you go on the pill :)

    also you do not actually have to have intercourse to get pregnant, he could have ejaculated near you or there could be sperm in his pre ejaculation which could have gotten inside, btw sperm survives for nearly a even you could still get pregnant... either way why stress yourself out?

    just get a test to be sure!

  24. If he just rubbed his p***s on the outside of you, then no. but even if it went inside of you a little then yes you can get pregnant. also your way to young to be having s*x. wait a couple of years, trust me no girl thats 14 looks cute pregnant.

  25. If he had c*m on his p***s and then got that in your v****a then yea you could be but if not then i would not worry.

    Since you seem to think you are going to be having s*x go to the health dept. & get on free birth control.

  26. Why oh why is that such a hard word to spell????

  27. look don't stress about it. it is REALLY unlikely that you are pregnant. if this happened less than 48 hours ago, just to be on the safe side go to the pharmacist or your GP and get a morning after pill. just in case. its completely confidential. you can take it up to 72 hours after s*x.

    well done for saying no and planning to use a condom

    i'm ur age not goin to lecture you here

    if you think you are pregnant later then do a test. the earlier you go to the doctor for an abortion the easier it will be for you, its just 2 pills before 12 weeks.

    i stress again it is VERY VERY unlikely you are pregnant. but next time leave the condom on k?

    good luck mate

  28. It is very unlikely that you are pregnant. It has been known to happen to become pregnant from a male ejaculating outside the v****a. What till your expected period and test!

    Good luck  

  29. Firstly your only 14 what are you doing?? you are obviously not mature enough to have s*x cos you dont know the risks, if you did you wouldn't be asking this question.  

  30. Probably not m but check with a "Home Pregnancy Test " & if that shows positive , talk to your doctor ,

  31. I don't think so. But seriously, shouldn't you be keeping your virginity till marriage?

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