
I dont know if my gerbil is getting water.?

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My gerbil has a cage like this...

and i dont know if she knows the little blue orb thing is her water. we tried giving her a bowl and another bottle but she didnt drink. So i am really worried.

Please Answer. -:o)




  1. There are a few things you need to know about gerbils. First off, they are a desert critter, meaning that they are built to live with a very low supply of water. Next, they are somewhat nocturnal, so your gerbil might only be drinking at night, or even at times when you aren't around. Gerbils enjoy fresh food too. So if you are really worried try giving some fresh clean vegetables and fruits. Those foods contain some water naturally. I would only start to worry if your gerbil begins acting weird. Good luck!

  2. Gerbils are naturally from the desert, therefore do not drink much at all. They are more likely to drink from a bottle than a bowl though, as they prefer to drink in a sitting position. Just make sure the water bottle is low enough for her to reach, but not so low that it will get clogged with bedding if she digs and throws bedding around or close to it. You probably won't notice that she has had anything to drink during a day, as they drink such miniscule amounts that it is hard to tell. I suggest just leave her with it for awhile, and when she's thirsty, she'll figure it out. Gerbils are instinctively curious critters and will learn how to use a water bottle in not much time at all, even if the place they previously came from offered water in a different way.

    Hope it helped. ^^


  3. Place her near the water thing, then use your finger to get her wet so she knows where it is.

  4. If in doubt, call your local petstore or whoever you purchased her cage through.  They generally like to drink out of the rgular water feeders you hang on the cage.  I haven't ever had one that would drink out of a bowl.

  5. That cage is cool. You may need to pull it apart and show her that is her water and squirt it a little a few times a day to get her used to it and ensure that she is getting some water.

  6. Gerbils can go long periods of time without water but it is important to make sure they have water. If you gerbil doesn't know where to get water try holding the bottle to it. i would ask someone who works with gerbils or even call a vet.

  7. ok well on the waterer there should be like a metal tube with a ball at the end of it.. push on the ball and if water comes out then im sure she is drinking,, the gerbil wont drink out of a bowl you need one of those small pet waterers... you can always mark a line on the container and see how much is gone.. rodents are also mostly nocternal so you might not see her drink cuase she is doing at night,.

  8. she may be ery much like my dog only eat and drink at night like nocturnal which gerbils and rodents are heres and idea get an expo dry erase arker and maker where the water is the wehn you wake up see if its andy lower remember gerbi;ls arent the same size as humans so they will drink less water

  9. gerbils come from desert regions, so they can go quite a time without water. your gerbil is either not thirsty, or drinks when youre not around. but it will find the water and go to it when it needs a drink

    EDIT: actually michael, gerbils are one of the diurnal rodents, meaning they are more active during the day than the night.

  10. one way of telling is to is fill it and put a mark on the water level and not fill for a day or three, if it goes down she is getting water.

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