
I dont know times tables!!!?

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Im in year 10 and i dont know times tables! i feel so dumb! ive tried many many times to learn it but no matter how hard i try it never sticks in my head! i dont want to admit it to my math teacher cos they will think im dumb. How can i learn the times tables, whats the best way?




  1. it will take longer but you can work them out with addition

    eg 3 x 3 , 111 + 111 + 111 = 9  thats all multiplication is its just that its quicker if you can rattle them off.  I know that there is a trick with 9 x  tables -  when you add the answers they all add up to 9 - eg 2 x 9 = 18 (1+8 =9).    3 x 9 = 27 (2+7 = 9)

  2. here's a trick for the 9's.  Put your hands out in front of you with your thumbs next to each other.  9X1- put down your left pinky (the 1st finger) the rest of your fingers represent the 1's and there's 9 so 9X1 is 9.

    Now 9X4, put down your 4th finger (the pointer on your left hand.  You have 3 fingers up to the left which are 10's (so 30)and 6 on the right which are 1's (so 6), add them-30+6= 9X4 is 36.  Use this for 9X1 to 9X10

    Good luck

  3. You just need to memorize them.  If you think about it, there aren't all that many that you need to memorize because a lot of them are easy.  (the 0's, 1's 2's and the 10's are all super easy)  Also the 5's are pretty easy too because you can always count by 5's.  11's are pretty easy because up to 9 you can just double the number. (ie- 5 x 11= 55)   After all that, you really just need to memorize the 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12.

    An easy way to really get it to stick is to write them down 10 times each.  Just bite the bullet and do it.  If you really practice, it won't take you all that long.  You can also pick up a pack of flash cards to really cement it in.  Good luck!

  4. the thing is the best time to learn timetables is when you are young i dont think your brain can take all that in now because if it wanted to it would have years back. you wont have enough time because you will be doing exams next year...

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