
I dont know wat to do and im totally bumed...?

by Guest60606  |  earlier

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well thers this girl adn we used to talk about the same as u would with a regular person and we got to know each other really well and it started by her laughing at my retarded jokes and we started talking etc..well i never realized if she liked me or not and now i hardly ever see her and we dont get to talk much because of our totally different schedules and ive started to give up and resent realtionships wat do u guys think i should try to do? Try to find a partner somewhere else or just let them find me?




  1. find someone else, or try talking to her more

  2. I know what you mean it gets pretty tough sometimes. That was what it was like with this girl i met.

    Dude don't give up, never and i repeat NEVER give up on a girl. You should try to get her phone number and talk to her on her phone or find out a place where she hangs out. You'll get her bro ;)  

  3. Don't go looking for things. Let them come to you.

  4. well if you still want to talk to her then just talk to her when you have a chance if you don't then move on.

    Help Me Please Everybody:;...

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