
I dont know what i want to be!!?

by  |  earlier

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Well I was thinking that when i grow up i wanted to be an actress but i noticed that i dont know if that is right for me any ideas and if you read my profile description maybe you can get some ideas of that and to give you ideas of how i am I am crazy I am a gymnast i love softball i have a large group of friends(which i adore) I love kids i really care a bout earth i hope i helped you get an image of what i should be please answer!!




  1. go to college. find a course you like. enlist in the military after you graduate. join the marines. stay there for a carreer. become an officer. retire at 35. buy a nice car. never work a single day in your life afterwards.

  2. I agree with Nay Nay. The gymnastics coach sounds fine! :)

  3. Hi!

    Since you are athletic and you are a people person who enjoys being with children, I would concider being a coach for gymnastics or softball. Just a suggestion. hope i could help!

  4. Do whatever brings you lots of attention, because it's obvious from your profile that you crave it.  Unfortunately, regardless of how much attention you get, it won't ever be enough to fill that hole in your soul created by not receiving enough from one or both of your parents.  

    Anyway, just do what you love, and don't worry about anything else.  You'll figure it out soon enough.

  5. oooh i know this might be the furthest thing from your mind right now but it fits your basic discription

                                  A teacher

    a teacher needs to love kids and you can be a coach since your athletic you could coach the schools softball team and since you love kids i mean i don't know you and i doubt i ever will but a teachers position is very fufilling and you usually get 3 months off for summer and you can get paid for it too

    i dont know if this will help you but i hope it is what you were looking for.  just follow what you think is right and it should lead you to a great place no matter what

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. neither do i

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