
I dont know what i want to be when i grow up??

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well im a senior this year and i have no idea what i want to do.

here it is...i really want to help people,have maybe less than 6 or 5 years of college and have a high paying job. and i dont want to have to do math on a daily basis.

is there any jobs you can think of that would possibly suit me??





  1. I would find a community college for now, relatively inexpensive, and just take various courses of things you think you might be interested in, and work part time. Keep accumulating credits. Its not a bad lifestyle, that's what I'm doing now.  

  2. Become a politician because none of them understand math at all.

  3. Pshycaitrist, social worker, anything along those lines?

  4. i will tell u not to be a vet because most people are abandoning there pets because the economy is becoming tight. You should be a neurologist because they make a lot of money.

  5. I just turned 18 and i still have no clue..infact neither do my just have to olay around with a few things until you find out which one you could live with doing the rest of your still do have time.  

  6. "BE" yourself, lol

    no one really knows what they wanna be,

    heck im 15 and im workin at McDonalds, lol

  7. first, figure out your interests, then figure out, which job opportunities are best, then figure out what how much money you want to make and if you can see your self doin th at in the future for the rest of ur life.

  8. Orthodontists and Oral Surgeons make a h**l of a lot of money, but you'd have maybe 8 years of school instead of 5 or 6.

    You could be a cosmologist, doctor, chiropractor, etc.

  9. Human Resources. They make good money, no math needed and you could probably get an AA in HR. Give that a whirl. HR seems fun, I'd do it if girls weren't primary candidates for the position.

  10. psychologist. People, unless they are morbid, don't get hurt if you make mistakes. You help people, do at least four years, and get buckets of money. h**l I hear its like $50 per minute for therapy...

    But you can be whatever you want.. You may not even expect it! My cousin is a great cook and wanted to go into culinary arts. Won first prize with a recipe she made called Aussie Chicken. Which was chicken stuffed with Kangaroo meat. Lol. But anyways, she decided last month she wanted to be a teacher. Nobody saw it coming. Not even her. So the point I'm attempting to make is You may not always be sure. And that's o.k. Just have a back up plan, and  whatever you choose, work hard at whatever you do, and if you do this , there was no wrong answer. Because in this day in age, in America, that's leader. and every one wants to be a leader.

    I'll stop being annoying and wish you the best of luck for whatever path you decide to walk.

    Live Laugh and Love!

  11. High paying jobs are hard to come by, especially without a gazillion years of experience.  Think about the one thing you do best and exploit that. If it comes to you naturally and you enjoy it, the money should follow... eventually. Good luck!

  12. You could become a doctor.

    They have 6 year dual MD/PhD programs at certain colleges.

    Doctors always make a lot of money and you would be helping people. I'm not too sure about the math and how much they have to do on a daily basis, but I presume that its not much.

    To become a lawyer I know it takes at least 7 years. You may want to consider that. They, like doctors make a lot of money. Depending on what type of lawyer you want to be they help people.

    You might also consider being a social worker, humanitarian, lobbyist, or teacher. They don't make as much money as doctors or lawyers, but they help people more.

    You could also go into business and try to get a job helping manage a big charity.

    Or you could start your own business or find a job that you really enjoy and pays well, but doesn't help people as much as you'd like and donate your time and extra money to help others.

    Good Luck!

  13. try to google some there are lots of sites that can help you... you may also what to take an amplitude test

  14. Become a Nurse, teacher, nutritionist or dietitian, paralegal, massage therapist.

  15. Sounds like the medical field.  Nursing has math because you have to pass medicines to patients.  

    You could try therapy, like Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy, or Speech Therapy.  They make pretty good money and Speech Therapists are in higher demand.  Check them out and decide what is best for you. There are a lot of places, even nursing homes who will let you volunteer in a nursing home therapy department to see if that is what you would like to do.  You can observe.  You are very limited on what you can do while you are observing, but you can see if that is more of what you may be looking for.

    I did my therapy training in the military so it was only just over a year to be an assistant, not a full fledged therapist.

    Best wishes to you.

  16. ive been in college for 2 years now and i still dont know what i want to be. people keep changing their minds and even after they graduate the majority of them dont even get the job they were studying for.

  17. man, im 24 with a b.a. in biology and a minor in chemistry and i still am not sure what career path i wanna take. all i can tell u is to do something that YOU wanna do! not what other people think you should do.  

  18. kinesiology. you dont have to be overly athleteic. you can do all sorts of things with the degree. rehab for the elderly, rehab for anyone really, nutrition, set up exercise programs, journalism, i just cant rack my brain fully. haha... and you can go for your masters after or phd, or simply take the kin program and then take the personal trainer course. lots and lots of options, not just sport oriented. the bach of arts is an easier more application program with no math and hard science.

  19. umm no not really you need more years of college to be a really high paying job like doctor or something...

  20. What about nursing? The schooling is not as extensive as a doctor, the pay is good (actually really good right now since there is a nursing shortage), and you will be helping people for sure. You will need to be good at science, though...

  21. well you could be like a nurse, sociologist, or a doctor. but i would wait and follow my interest and pick a major by the third year in college. believe me i'm a senior and i'm having major debates on what i want to do when i grow up.

  22. Psychiatry sound like your field. I love listening to my friends and love to give advice where I think it is appropriate. I don't know but you may want to go to a job fair or find some counsel somewhere.  

  23. Message Therapist, Personal Trainer, doctor, or a dentist.

  24. How bout Customs Broker in freight forwarding, i'm currently studying for mine, and i work in the industry already, all i do all day is data entry and some customer related things but really not much...i earn 55k a year and i'm only 20 but once i complete my course i'll be on 110k+ and i didn't go college!!!! and for 20 years old no college...i'm laughing

  25. Like someone already said, be a nurse.  They are in great need and the pay is nice.

  26. well i'd say a doctor if you really wanted to help people but you said you didn't want to do maybe you could work with the police?

  27. nurse

    social worker

    social services




    government jobs (some don't even require a degree)

  28. lol i am 34 and i still don't know what i want to be! you don't have to have it all figured out right now. as far as helping people ...nurses...RN's...make good money.  

  29. Well you seem to be one of those people who have leadership and have good advice so maybe a social worker,or a therapist. Hope I Helped

  30. take a job test but just becuase says u be best in this job that doesnt mean that your job for life maybe it wrong dont pick first one it show u

    do wat u want  

  31. There's a million jobs you can do! But...plan your college first. What interests do you have? Which subjects do you like at school? There's a major out there for practically everything! Also, keep in mind that normally for the first 2 years of college, you'll do general education. You can list your major as undecided.

    If you want to help people and make tons of money, you could head to law school. With a law degree, you can really help people. You could for example do humanitarian law (international). Or you could practice family law and really help people through their divorces and custody disputes (you don't have to be a cut-thoat lawyer!). Or you could focus on medical malpractice suits on drugs, equiplkent that have really hurt children. There's a lot you can do with a law degree. Minimal math. Although some math is required because you'll count your billable hours and your fees all the way to the bank.

    Good luck!

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