
I dont know what kind of tree this is?

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Me and my husband is buying a place... They haves lots and lots of trees and plants over gorwn in the yard.. In front they have this tree that is Purple and hangs like a willow does... It's droopy like a willow but is haves purple leaves??

Anyone give me an idea what it is??





  1. You mean the tree trunk is purple?  Hmm...  Could it be a weeping Cherry tree?  It's not exactrly purple(it's more like reddish brownish...), but it kinda is...a little.  A photo might be helpful, though.

  2. perhaps a jacaranda:

  3. it could be a wysteria tree or bush

  4. It would help if you could tell us where you live.  And also how big the tree is - as much info as you can.  A picture would be the best.

    I have seen small ornamental peach trees that have purple leaves.  The leaves could be described as "willow-like".  They're pretty small trees though.  If yours is big, it's something else.

  5. possibly a purple leaf sand cherry.  they only get about 15 feet tall and can be cut into a 'bush' appearance also.  i had 2.  they only lived for 14 years though.

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