
I dont know what this plant is called...?

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ok so for my science class we have to make a leaf booklet, and i have all my leaves, but i forgot what one of the leafs is called, my mom said she new, but then she forgot (she lost somethin or other that had the name on it) and so i dont know what its called. we have 2, one is green and one is like a purpleish red color, there from different plants, but theyre the same species. theres 3 leaves at each end and the leaves are soft, my mom thinks its like clover somethin or like shamrock somethin or other. if you have any idea of what it could be, PLEASE tell me! Thanks!




  1. If this is a "shamrock", the plants would be members of the family Oxalidaceae.  The cultivated specimens are sold as shamrocks around St. Patrick's Day, and wild ones which can go by the name wood sorrel.  When these get a lot of sun, the leaves sometimes change from green to a maroon: , although not all species do this.

    The leaves can vary from almost clover-like:  to rather triangular:

    Flower colors can vary from white (sometimes with pink or purple veins) to yellow or pink.

  2. 3-parted  compound leaved plants are common (the legume family, of which clover(Trifolium spp.) is a member, has many many 3-parted species). So we need more info; a pic would be nice, also where and when the plant grows and blooms would be helpful.

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