
I dont know what to be when I "grow up"?

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I am 19, second year of college and I have absolutely NO IDEA what to be when I grow up, except that I want to be successful (obviously). My teachers have told me to get a job that I am so passionate about, that I would do for free..but unfortunately I can never think of anything that I would love so much to actually do it as a job.

So I have gathered a list of my interest, and I am wondering if there is anything I can actually do with such a silly list. Please any suggestions...? How can I use the things I like and apply it towards a career?

I enjoy:

1. celebrity gossip

2. fame

3. hollywood

4. parties

5. vip events, movie premiers, famous clubs

6. cars

7. modern houses

8. being around a lot of people

9. fashion

10. photoshoots

11. and I have a good eye for perfection and what looks good




  1. you should do PR (public relations).  you can major in communications and that would give you a huge range of job flexibility.  you could even maybe write for a fashion or celebrity magazine with this degree.  see if your school offers classes associated with pop culture.  whatever major this falls under might be your key.

  2. Have you ever looked into professional photography, maybe being a papparazi photographer, or being a photographer for a magazine, or maybe doing weddings, things like that. Or maybe a reporter on TMZ or on E!, stuff that has to do with celebrities.

  3. im 27 and im still trying to answer than question.  i think you should move to los angeles and join everyone else in entertainment industry.  not necessarily being an actor, but you should be around that scene.  next thing you know you'll be consumed with the glam and glitz LA provides.  either you'll hate it or love it.  you're young, keep searching!!!  

  4. basing from your list, you can be an actor if you have the talent for it. come to think of it!

  5. Journalism or fashion journalism or photography

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