
I dont know what to do about my credit cards,?

by  |  earlier

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im supposed to be moving out of this apartment oct.1 and i have been struggling with money. i personally, never maxed out my credit card. but i came close and then all of a sudden i was slapped with interest rate fees *or so im assuming thats what they are* and ever month, i pay my cards to 750, then BAM i have to pay another 100 bucks because it goes "over" even though i havent touched them. im scared im not going to be approved for an apartment now, i dont even know what my score is, and i cant really afford

god, i dont know what to do... im so stressed out and im only 19. nobody warned me about credit cards and i was sooo stupid to not do more research on it. what am i going to do!? can i even cancel the card? i cant keep up with these payments, and definatley not at this time, im moving again and have to pay downpayments, move in fees, application fees and even 1st months rent. wtf,




  1. I found a huge amount of upto date info for this

    question at

    Better you check yourself as there is so much info

    I wouldnt want to give you an answer that was wrong

  2. If you have a plan, you will not feel so panicked!


    Can you transfer the debt to an interest free card, and pay it all off before the interest is due?

    If not, then budget and stick to it.

    Put as much money possible on the cards and pay them down.  There really is no other choice unless you go to credit counseling.

    My city offers consumer credit counseling for free.  

    Counseling does not mean that you are turning over your debt to them.  They offer classes and help to get you on the right track.

    Don't let this ruin your future.  

    You might see if your city has a department of human resources!  They are very good.

    Can you pick up a second job till you pay the cards down to an affordable amount?

    Can you sell something you might have that would give you a chunk of money to pay the debt with?

    Once you get your plan in place you won't feel like you are out of control of the situation.  

    Read, read, read!  I visit this message board daily.  You can post, and many experienced people will help.

    Good luck


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  4. I'm a little confused. You pay your cards to 750?

    The going over is probably because your interest rate throws you over your credit limit, and you are charged an over-the-limit fee, but that usually doesn't exceed $39.00.

    Find out how much you are paying in interest each month by looking at your statement. Do whatever is necessary to get your balance $200 below the limit. Quit using your credit card and pay as much as possible each month to reduce that debt.

    Cancelling the card won't help your situation. Just stop using it.

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