
I dont know what to do anymore ...Where does my faith give in ???????

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a born again christian.i live w/family of another religion.Its getting too hard! They feel that I am an older woman about 30 .(not educated to their standrd or a good job that I should have an arragned marriage w/. a man that has $$ and is there religion. and that can support me . It is too much for me .i want to move out but should I they contsistently make fun of me being christian (and being fat) well my father anyway. I love my mom though, she doesnt say anything except get married (i dont want to get married )everyday, something negative comes out of someones mouth uUsually .they have a concern for my weight but it feels like Im being ,made fun of .I am about 190 lbs and 5'5" I know i need to lose some wght .My father used to call me a certain animal but has stoped recently and said that he wont call me it since I lost wght .I have a younger sibling make fun of everythg abt me.I want my own place sometimes but I dont want thurt them . It would be embarassing to them & a disgrace




  1. Your post is kind of garbled; you need to use a little more punctuation.  But I don't see what is stopping you from moving out from your parents' house.  They sound as though they are dragging you down - and you seem to have no self esteem; yet YOU are worried about not hurting THEM???!!  You are an adult, you are perfectly free to go, and in fact you could probably be so much happier if you left them, without being called names or insulted.  Their feelings about your leaving would be their problem, and I don't see how it would embarrass or disgrace them, since you are a grownup.  Unless somehow you have made this about your faith - this makes no sense, however, unless you enjoy suffering.  I always thought God helps those who help themselves.

  2. You need to move out and get your own life.  You don't have to put up with people treating you that way.  Also pray....the Lord will take care of it!!

  3. This situation is something that hruts me deeply sweetheart. I love my friends to death, and one of them is in love with someone that she knows she can't marry because of her religion, and somewhow it relates to yours, so I feel for you.

    I think that first you need to realize that you do need ot lose weight, it's the first thing we need to tackle because 190 pounds at 5'5" is not good.

    Secondly, I know that moving out of your parents house must be a hard thing to do, but your wellbeing and mental health are at stake here. You need to feel safe and loved in order to grow as a human being, and the environment that you describe is not one to let you be happy. It' will hurt them and it will hurt you but like any other big change in life is necessary for you to understand that it must be done.

    Unless you reach a point with them where they understand that you have your own mind and feelings and that you should be allowed to do as you want with your personal life, I higly recommend that you move out.

    Listen to your heart dear, it will always look out for your best interest.

    Best of lucks,


    Lobo Verani.

  4. I will pray for you, If I understand right, You have grown up with a family that has strong belief in arranged marriages and that the children live at home till they are married. It is never easy to break with the family, If you are in the US, then there are more people that are in your situation, and maybe able to find people at your church that can help you cope and or walk away.  As for your weight, the stress of what you deal with each day can cause your weight gain. My advice to you is, Don't marry someone you don't love, it is a life long commitment. I hope that you are in a place where it is safe for you to move out without causing to much trouble with your family, you shouldn't have to put up with the verbal/emotional abuse. Good Luck, and God Bless!

  5. omg u've been through allot. Theirs only one thing i can tell u to do and thats to pray. You may/may not deny what i am saying but eveything happens for a reason. One day you will feel better and get out of that house filled with negative thoughts. You will become educated young woman, get married and you'll work towards it plus have a better future.

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