
I dont know what to do. please help!?

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i quit ballet for a year

and i seriously want to start again

ive been dancing all my life and i'm extremely talent

i dont want to brag but I got amazing turnout, arc, pointe, extremely straight legs, w.e

but i dont know what to do. im a freshie in high school

and at my school, you cant just go and dance for 2 days a week

should i start ballet or start something else (i started tae kwon doe a week ago. i dont know if im gonna continue with it)




  1. Follow your heart.

  2. continue with the kung fu home girl :]]

  3. go back to ballet! you sound good!

  4. go to ballet

    u perfect for it :)

  5. Start Ballet I'm a Jr in high school and I was a dancer  my school even offers it as a elective. Enjoy while your young because in a short 2 years you'll be a jr and too busy to enjoy your passion.

  6. If you seriously want to start again then go for it. There's plenty of opportunity for you to learn new things and take on many hobbies and I say that if you don't like something and you have a choice, don't feel that you have to stick with it, but if you want to get somewhere or do something that you love go for it! If you feel the commitment is too much, remember that you have your future ahead of you. Hope you find something that you enjoy :)

  7. do what you want to do. if you like ballet, start again!

  8. GO back to ballet you seem very talented, and talent is such a shame to waste. I'm sure if you don't you will regret it for years.

  9. always follow your passions and your dreams no one else will ever and can ever chase them for you.

    if you really love dancing then give it all u got

  10. Get out of TKD it sucks and seems routinish after a while but start dance and try other forms of dance to try something with a different style or rythm

  11. Well, though I hated every moment of it and got out as soon as possible, I took ballet at one point.. (I was forced to take it if I wanted to do the other things, so I didn't bother..)

    But.. For the little while that I did do it, it only took up a little amount of time, 1 day a week, and I still had time for everything else. (Going out, homework etc.) It's surprising how much you can learn in 1 day per week. Why did you start tae kwon doe if you wanted to do ballet anyway?

  12. you might want to join a dance team or something at school dealing with dance.  it will be different from ballet and will be challenging

  13. do what you love...dont let anyone or anything hold you back...go back to ballet

  14. probably try something new?

    since you already sound like an expert on ballet

  15. i did taekwondo for about 7 years, and final made it to black belt 2 years ago. It's one of those really repetitive sports, gets quite boring. But you seem to have a passion for ballet, so why quit?

  16. just look down the websites, they may have some workshops then you can fit in!!

  17. If there is a will, there is a way. First thing first, make up your mind. You don`t go beating around the bush.

    Say, I learn TAE KWON DO toay. Tomorrow, I want be a `Black Belt` master.

    No pains, no gains!

  18. se on laajalti tuntematon tässä maailmassa meidän että i-ja u ja teidän äiti elää in. mennä seksiä, jossa aasit äiti

  19. If you're passionate about ballet.  Then go with it.

    What is the problem about your school and ballet?  If you love ballet and require more time to do it, as long as it's not interfering with your classes then do what you love.

    If you aren't passionate about tae kwon doe, then you can either drop it, or keep both classes.  If they scheduling interferes with eachother, then go with the one you are more passionate for and ENJOy doing.

  20. go back =]

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