
I dont know what to do =/

by  |  earlier

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Okay i was dating this guy and i shouldnt have been in the first place cause i wanted to move in with him and were gunna get married the day after my 18 birthday.. well he promised he would take me to warped tour but he didnt have the money to come down here then so he couldnt so i hung out with my friend zach instead and he doesnt like me hanging out with zach cause zach liked me so my bf went to warped tour in denver with his friends and then i stopped talking to zach cause he told my friends something but now im not with my bf (cause he is hearing voices and not taking his pills and got mad cause i wont stop talking to guys) and i havent talked to any of my friends for a long time cause why would they even want to talk to me? they probably could care less :( and i saw zach at kohls today and he saw me and turned and walked the other way and im taking depression medications but my parents made me stop because i have hives i guess but there still not going away and ive been off for a while and i dont know what to do :( i guess dont know if i should even bother talking to zach or not =/ or any of my other friends.. and i start school soon and i dont know what to do if i seem them at school.. =/




  1. Your problem is not these guys. Forget about that. You need some help. First, you are involving yourself with guys that are hearing voices etc. That is a sign that you are not too mentally healthy right now. You need to either try to talk to your parents, I can't believe they made you stop taking your meds. and didn't take you to the dr. If you are almost 18, then it won't be long until you do not need their permission. Find help and therapy through the county you live in. You can find it free. You need to be on medication and also find out why you are broken out in hives. You are way too young to get married. You are going to ruin the rest of your life. Are you wanting to marry to get away from your parents? Focus on yourself. Get some help. You don't need to be in a relationship. Being with some guy isn't going to help you, it seems to be making things worse. Good luck

  2. Okay, whoa. I couldn't even read more than halfway through that. Stop getting wrapped up in the drama so easily.

  3. Hey you need to grow. Pause your thoughts and emotions. Cling on to what is present. Concentrate on you and your fanily. Dont run before time, let it run. And your maturity will start growing and will give you all answers you need...

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