
I dont know what to do...****!?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 yrs old and in the 9th homeschooled and public school is not an option for me..i cant stand most ppl my age because they do drugs and have s*x and dont give a ****. in my homeschool program im on a 6th grade level in english and math and i just cant comprehend the work. idk whats wrong with me?? every time i fail my mother punishes me yet she never helps me with my work. ive been looking all over for online schools that are free and i cant find any for my state they are all for certain states and im getting really pissed off. plus i go wedsday to take my test and i know i failed my last english test and im gonna be in so much trouble. im not going to graduate. ive considered dropping out but i know that isnt the right thing to do but its like i just CANNOT do the work, need another option?




  1. Okay...  WHO has told you that EVERY 14 year old is on drugs and having s*x?!?!?  That is a lie....  there are more 14 year olds NOT engaging in those behaviors.  Your mother decided that she would home school you and it is her JOB to make sure that you are advancing in your work.  She obviously isn't meant to be homeschooling!!  Just an example of the wrong reasons to home school... she has kept you home and convinced you that ALL of your peers are drug addicted prostitutes who hide guns in their underwear...  sheltered you from the truth and now just punishes you because she isn't doing HER part.  Now the only person suffering is YOU...  youre the one who is getting a "less than" education.  This is my suggestion to you...  school IS an option.  Your teachers will work WITH you to get you at the grade level you need to be without punishing you for failing.  Please consider this!!  Also, please remember there is NOTHING wrong with you...  You are perfectly fine and this is not YOUR fault in any way!!  Be strong!!!

  2. If you are trying your best and truly cannot do the work, you might have a learning disability.  Talk to your mother about how you are trying but still can't do the work.  Tell her you need some extra help.  If she cannot give you the help you need, maybe she can enroll you in a private online school that provides tutoring/teacher support.

    Also, what state do you live in?

  3. Have you asked the teacher at the homeschool program what you could do to improve your grades? Or could your mom hire a tutor? Also, ask your librarian for some good books on helping you with math and English.

    If you can't rely on your mother for help (and it sounds like she's just making things worse by punishing you each time), then you'll have to rely on yourself. You CAN do it. There's probably nothing wrong with you--you may be stressed over whether your mom will punish you, you may be missing some important building blocks for the math and might just need to learn those. Figure out something so that you can do the work!!

  4. If you go to church, ask there for tutors.  Another viable solution, visit the seniors at a retirement home, some of the residents are very, very wise, worldly ex-teachers who would just love a chance to enlighten you. An added bonus, the visit would do you and them good.

  5. Man. Sal Good here. Just get laaaaiiiiidddd fool.

  6. It's not your fault. You're mother isn't teaching you well enough. My best advice is to convince her to hire a tutor for you.

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