
I dont know what to say when people constantly compliment my daughter!!?

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Everywhere we go people always tell me my daughter is beautiful, cute, gourgeous, "omg her eyes are amazing" and i get these big compliments so much that i dont know what to say sometimes ppl will sit there and just stare at her and keep saying how beautiful she is... i mean, do i say thank you or is that being too much of a show close friends tell me i show her off too much anyway, but im just proud of her everytime she does something i wanna share with everyone (parents will understand) but my husband always tells me it seems like im competting with other peoples babies...

i just dont know how to react i guess what would you suggest?

by the way my daughter is 9 months




  1. well if you dont want so many compliments dont show her off and if you do get compliments just say thank you and walk away. SIMPLE

  2. Listen to your close friends. They probably are trying to tell you to stop the bragging.  Treat your daughter as normal, and she will be normal.

    People are noticing your attitude.  So, calm it.  There are other Mommys out there, too.  Each of us considers our own child to be the cutest, smartest, amazing person in the whole world.

  3. I have this same issue.  My daughter is four so i've been dealing with it for awhile now.  It actually gets annoying because my daughter gets embarassed by it and it makes me feel awkward.  I do just say "thank you"'s a compliment.  If someone told you that YOU looked nice, you would say thank you, wouldn't you?  That is the polite way to handle it.  However, some people just go on and on about it.  It's almost rediculous.  Just wait...when your daughter is older, strangers will actually give her money in the stores too.  It's creepy but I really don't think they mean anything by it.  That kid has collected more dollar bills in Walgreens than i've collected in a lifetime ;)

  4. Just smile and say thank you.

  5. Just go along with it and say something like, 'Thank you, yes she does'. or something along those lines.

  6. say thank you and thats it. if ur husband thinks ur competing w/ppl just try not to.

  7. I totally understand what you mean, my son is about to be 1 in a few days and everywhere we go people say how cute he is, comment on his chubby cheeks and his eyes.  I just say "Thanks!" and go on with what I am doing.  I don't make a big deal about it or try to down play his cuteness, after all, to me he is the cutest baby in the world, so why wouldn't others comment on him?  Just enjoy it and go on.  I don't compete with other people's babies, I just have a cute baby and that's that.

  8. I would say if people are telling you that you show her off too much then you probably do.  I am sure that some of the people telling you that are parents too, so I am sure they know the difference of a proud parents and a crazy lady. If your getting compliments, take it for what it is a compliment.  Say thank you and smile and walk away.  Don't encourage the person to go on and on and stare or whatever your saying happens.  And if you husband, who is obviously a parent of the same child, thinks your competing with other people's babies, you probably are.  I doubt he would be making that up. It is good to love your child and to be proud, but don't get out of hand. I personally have seen cute kids but never carried on and on about it especially to a stranger.  I don't want to say it like this, but I think your head is a little bigger than it should be.  

  9. Please, I've seen beautiful babies before and I've never seen people just sit and stare. You're her mom and of course you think she's beautiful and I'm sure she is but I think you're going a bit overboard. Just say thanks and stop showing her off if it makes you uncomfortable.

  10. Just be humerous about it like when they say it just be like *Takes after me eh??*

    or say *Not so bad yourself*

    they'll take it as good humour.

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