
I dont know what to <span title="do,heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp?">do,heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...</span>

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i broke up with my long term(10years) boyfriend cos am not in love with him than i met this guy i been with him 1 year but hardly has any time for me but he has everything a girl can ask for money flasy car house and house abroad iwant to be with him but he doesnt have any time for me but i met this guy on the net we chat every dayon a web cam he is overseas when we met there was instiant connection i feel like am falling in love with him he said he loves me already but i dont know if he saying that cos he wants to come over here cos his broke and properly using me but i feel so in love with him and he feels the same it feels like love at first sight than my long term boyfriend is not over me and he wants me back and part of me wants him but cant see myself having s*x with him .




  1. First thing... how long were you out of the 10 year before you jumped in the 1 year.. Honey, I am in the same boat.. I ended 10 years just recently for someone who I have known (family friend) and we have been together a few months... in those few months.. wait... Im about to start ramblin about me.. This is about you...

    Ok... do you just jump from relationship to relationship (I have a tend to do that too)...You need to figure out WHO it is that YOU want to be with... Not who has the $$ or the car, because the money &amp; cars could be gone next week... Where is your heart... And the attraction on line is new &amp; its different so you are drawn to it.. Kinda mysterious... We cant make the decision for you, I know its going to be tough, but you need to follow your heart... Who can you not be without &amp; that is your answer... The one you can be with is easy, pick the one you dont want to lose!!!  Good Luck &amp; just be smart &amp; pick for the right reason &amp; not the wrong!!!

  2. I&#039;m not the best person to help as I&#039;m single and never had a relationship but u have to do what u think is best everyone has their own way of dealing with stuff like this u have to do what ur heart tells u i did what my heart told me and i got heartbroken but u have to do whats best for u just because u cant see having s*x with ur long term bf doesn&#039;t mean it will never happen if u both love each other ur s*x life will eventually sort its self out u don&#039;t have to have s*x with anyone that u don&#039;t want to but he might not be after s*x just love and if he really cares about u then that&#039;s good I&#039;m sorry i hope ive been a help

  3. Step back from the whole thing until you have sorted yourself out.

  4. I&#039;d guess that you are a 13 year old having fantasies. Either that or you need to grow up.

    &#039;Everything a girl can ask for: money, flash car, house&#039;. Sheesh.

  5. ok just step back 4rm da whole thing and actually think about this. it might take nights/dayz. i alwayz think ov things 2 do durning da night (((i can concentrate better))) good luck! (((im serious good luck)))

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