
I dont like babies. Bad?

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Is it so wrong that I hate babies? and that I do not share the same "aaawwww" feeling around them as most people.

I really dont wish to have one, and everyone openly attacks me for not liking them.

If I were to find one left in a desolate area with no guardian I shall have it put in safe hands, but other than that I do not want anything to do with them.




  1. NOT AT ALL!!!

    This is actually a common idea and feeling among men and woman. People have even started groups for adults who don't or won't have kids.

    If you hate babies to the point that you could or would do bodily harm to the child, you need to talk to someone about this.

    But, if you plain JUST DON'T LIKE THEM!!!! There is nothing wrong with you. In fact, it seems you have something right going for you. Not all of us were meant to have kids, but they do any way. These children always suffer for it too!

  2. I don't think you're wrong - it's honest. Better to be honest than to go along with what you think you *should* feel. Your feelings may change as you get older or get into a deep relationship - or they may not. Just don't compromise what you want to make someone else happy - it's a recipie for disaster. If you don't want kids - hook up with someone else who shares your feelings.

  3. i don't think its bad you don't hate them to be right you hate how they act and be like me don't want them saves money kind've not to be evil i kind've want kids ill probably decide when im in my 20s though so i should live it up without a huge responsibility to im a big adult like 25 years old but ya i wouldnt say its bad you just plainly hate them thats it people should learn to live with YOU hope this helps

  4. Each to it's own. Though hate is a strong word for something like a baby. I could see if you don't really have any strong feelings for babies, but to hate a baby. That's a little over the top.

  5. There's no wrong here. If you don't like babies and don't want babies it's your own right. Of course, I wonder how old you are -- you might change your mind as time goes by. As long as you don't hurt babies, or anything like that, it's all up to you!

  6. my mom said i was horrible as a baby, my sis was horrible as a baby, and i have a hoorible rotten baby brother. all babies are annoying and terrible. (exept when they are quiet, then you can pretend they're not there!)

  7. no its not wrong, i have a similar thing, i don't like any babies that are not in my family,

    if i see a crying baby in a store or on an airplane it makes me wanna like shoot the thing .

    but if its in my own family for some reason i have that "aw" feeling towards them . like my friend has a 1 year old little sister that crys so obnoxiously and annoyingly that i absolutely HATE being around that baby , i've never told her this but i hate her little sister with a passion

    don't listen to anybody who yells at you for your hatred of babies, their just uneducated .

  8. maybe you don't have the maternal instinct. I love my boys, but if I had it to do all over again, probably would not have had children. I could not wait to go back to work after they were born...15 years apart. They were loud and squirmy...I'm very grateful that I had a loving husband and family support or they would not have turned out as well as they did. And they worship me...go figger.

  9. no there's nothing wrong with the way you feel your just being honest , there's lots of people who chose not to have baby's for the same reasons . don't be so hard on yourself some people are cut out for it while others are not , and yea this is coming from a mother . you are probably meant to do something other then raising kids in your life and there is nothing wrong with it and don't ever let anyone tell you that there is , i wish you much happiness.

  10. Well to HATE babies is a bit evil, since they are all so innocent. But you dont have to like them or want one of your own, your opinion might change in the future. My 41 year old friend isn't a fan of children, having one is her worst nightmare lol

  11. everybody has there own opinions. i love babies but thats just me i can't expect everyone to agree with me.  

  12. i've felt that way many times lolz..

    like... they're cute...

    most i guess...

    but i dont like it how they cry all that much..

    OMG ... wow. n u gotta feed them like.. every second lolz..

    n alot of disturbing stuff which i dont like about them,

    but over all, i think they're cute!

  13. No, it is not bad.  And it is good that you recognize that about yourself and can make your life decisions based upon those feelings.  However, those feelings may change as you get older.  Many people do not have "aaaawwww" feelings about other people's babies, but they do have those feelings about their own.

  14. It's ok if you don't like babies,  But watch one day you will find someone; who you will love, and you will want to have a baby.

  15. no...i don't either! geez i have the same problem...i don't want kids...i don't like baby's or kids i don't know why but i just don't

  16. thats totally okay. if you dont like babies that your choice

    i mean you have an opinion. if they annoy you they annoy you. i mean there is nothing you can do about it. i like them but if u dnt that shoudlnt matter to anyone else.


    omg i hate them too, they annoy me, and i dont like little kids either..  

  18. well,dear, thats not bad but relieze they are the future and IF you were to wind up in a nursing homeits possible the baby now would be the one to take care of you later ...

    but everyones different and thats you

    atleast you would put the baby in same hands:)

  19. Some times these things change with time, but maybe you just don't want one for your own reasons, nothing to be ashamed of. It's not like you would be cruel to one, you would help it if needed. Their just not for you!

    Don't worry to much & just don't let your family tell you other wise, just have them leave you alone on this topic.

  20. i feel the same way and im a girl!!! i hate when they go aww i suppose you should take him/her to police station or call them no offense people

    lol tax benefits!!

  21. I don't like the screaming and all that, but otherwise they don't bug me. It is cool when you form a bond with them though. Maybe that is part of the problem, no connection.

  22. Consider the tax benefits!

  23. Nah it ain't bad, it's just insecurity and fear of getting a girl pregnant... But it isn't serious... =D

  24. I don't think you're a bad person for not liking babies because the constant crying makes people go insane!

    But for me, I love what babies represent.  They are just beginning life and have clean slates.  They're innocent creatures that have to depend on something or someone to survive.  

    P.S. Babies aren't babies forever.    

  25. noh (: its ur choice,   i hate little ANNOYING  kids, and kids parents who show off about their kids, but besides that i think theyr cute

  26. Thats not wrong, and you are far from alone in that decision.  See before i had my son i did not like kids, sure babies are cute but thats about it.. i didnt aaawww or oooh over them...  and of course once you have your own its different.. but still i dont like other peoples kids, even my best friends kids bug me.. im of course never ever mean to a child and i know its not their fault that they are needy and annoying but thats that.. they are needy and annoying and the ones that are slow an kinda dumb annoy the shittt out of me. :)    

  27. It's not bad at all.  It's your opinion.

    It's ironic that you wrote this.  I was just talking to some babies and they asked me if it was wrong that they don't like nauj.  They would not put him in safe hands if they found him in a desolate place.  I told them that wasn't nice.

  28. My cousin has a good saying:

    "I like babies. YOU HOLD them. I LIKE them." I have to make myself like babies as well. It is very unnatural fro me. You're not alone. I mean, what's to like anyway? I share your same feelings. I don't think it's wrong. Just try not to express it too often. ;)

  29. It is not bad, not everyone has to have kids. I didn't really like kids until I had my own and I still don't "awww" over another person's baby.  

  30. Some people feel like that.  I don't think it's the 'norm', but it's not wrong by any means.  I'm sorry that people attack your opinions, because you're entitled to feel however you want to.  Some people just aren't meant to have children, and there is nothing wrong with that.

  31. I used to hate babies too, with a passion! Then the people I babysit for had a baby boy and I fell totally in love with him. He's almost three now, and I really liked watching him grow up, like learning to walk, move out of a crib, get potty-trained, etc.

    Some people never like babies, and you might be one of them. But if you really get to know one, you might like them after all. I did!

    Hope this helps!


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