
I dont like being around other teenagers??plz help?

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i dont feel right around other teens. I hate being around them, especially when they're around their friends, or in a large group. And i hate it when they turn and look at me like im some sort of alien. It's embarrassing and i dont wanna be around them, this is why i just stay in my room all day. And now i have to start school on monday with all of those people and i have nowhere to hide. Can someone plz. help me?




  1. Pick a teen just like yourself.

  2. you know what i do?

    i say s***w u!(in my head ofcourse)=P

    i mean if they dont want to get to know you,then forget about them!

    its all you.

  3. The main thing to realize is that you can find other people like you if you put yourself out there. Join a few clubs and if you go to church, attend the youth program if they have on. There are many, many people in this world.

    While modern teenagers do lack the maturity to be decent people, do not lose hope! Keep a positive image of yourself! If things get hard or you are bullied, talk to a teacher or a school counselor for help. Establish a good support system for yourself and you can deal with almost anything!

  4. A lot of people go through that. I don't think you can hide. You just have to learn to deal with it and try to let things bounce off of you. It's hard, don't get me wrong. Adolescence is hard. Just try to make friends and lay low.

  5. It just depends on why you don't like being around other teens.When I was younger i didn't either but only because teens my age weren't on my level I preferred to hang around those older than myself.At 16 or 17 I was mostly hanging around people in their late 20's for the fact that they were just as mature as myself.If it is because your not confident in your self then i ask why? Everybody is perfect the way they are.So every morning look in the mirror and tell yourself that along with if they don't like you the way you are than they aren't friends to have anyhow.

  6. well...i think that u need to just be confident with who u r. Don't be afraid of other ppl. If they have nothing better to do than stare, then they need a life.  

  7. Just try it. what have you got to loose??

  8. You need to learn to love yourself more. You refer to yourself as "ugly skinny black girl". That says a lot about your self esteem. Often times when you don't feel good about yourself you often assume everyone else is judging you or looking down on you even if they aren't. If you exude confidence people tend to look at you better. You should try making friends.

    "Nobody but nobody can make it out here alone."-Maya Angelou

  9. S'okay, I have the same thing, sometimes meds can help, I have panic attacks around lots of people so they help, but sometimes you just have to take a few deep breaths and deal with it.

  10. sounds as though your teenage years are coming back to bite you in the butt possibly. but nowadays most teens have no morals or respect. that can be annoying. we were all once teens so i just deal wit it and flow right on pass them.

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