
I dont like fish what are natural alternative to get omega 3?

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I dont like fish what are natural alternative to get omega 3?




  1. Walnuts, flaxseeds, or fish oil capsules

  2. You can use flax seed sprinkled on whole grain oat cereal in the only takes a tablespoon of the ground seeds.  They are quick to spoil, so keep them in the fridge.  

    *There is also a warning that you need to heed: according to some of the sources that I've read about Omega 3's, they can clog the arteries which lead to the heart.  You need to be careful with them.  The dosage is only twice a week.  Any more than that, if you DO NOT lead an active lifestyle, could lead to heart problems.

  3. this website has allot of information on adding omega 3 to you diet and also alternatives such as greens and what not. check it out.

  4. Hemp seed oil is one of the best sources of Omega 3's. The US hides that fact and push forward the fish oils because in america, we do not industrialize hemp. However, in many other countries they do, and it is legal to go online, order it, and have it shipped to you.

    I guess that I got 2 thumbs down because I provided information you did not know? I am not spouting ****, I am in nursing school and I researched this information.

  5. Flax seed (and its oil) is probably the best vegetable source of omega 3; walnuts are next (and contain a fair amount of omega 6 as well). The only trouble with flax seed is that the seeds are small and quite hard, so they might not actually be digested very well; some people grind them before use, in a coffee grinder or some such. It's a good idea not to grind too much at once, because flax seed oil goes rancid quite quickly, It's also a good idea to keep ground flax seed or flax seed oil in a cool place (refrigerator is ideal) and flax seed oil should be kept in the dark, preferably in a dark glass bottle, as it's sensitive to light as well.

    If you aren't a vegetarian, fish oil is probably better than flax seed, because the oil is in a chemical form that the body can use directly rather than having to convert it. Fish oil products should ideally be kept in the dark and cool, as well.

    Two more things; fish oils may interfere with anti-clotting drugs, and buy a good brand; because cheap and nasty brands may be high in pollutants (the good manufacturers purify the stuff). Also, don't keep either type of oil (flax or fish) too long; they go rancid quite quickly.

  6. there is a product called PureOmega made by north American herb and spice company it is vegetarian friendly and is an alternative to fish oil feel free to email me and i can let you know where to get it at

  7. Fish Oil Pills.  You can get them at your local health or drug store.

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