
I dont like my 'best friend' ?

by Guest65176  |  earlier

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i know, i should just get another friend, not hang around with her anymore, but its really not that simple. im 16 and have been friends with her for 6 years, she was the only person i knew in my class in the next school so we stuck together but wasnt a good idea cause then evryone else just assumed we were best friends and wer both shy so no one really talked to us, so because i had no one else i stayed with her, but she always put me down alot, and laughed at me, things i got really upset about, she annoyed me, found all her jokes irritating a not funny, and never really shared anything truthfully with her cause i never really seen her as a friend, if i ditched her id have no one and shed have no one either.. so then everything she said i always got realy paranoid thinking that the way shes saying shes making a dig at me, those years were really lonely.

when we got a little older, we only had some classes together, so i started meeting new people and made some new friends, who are fun and stuff, even though im still shy i kindof have a little more confidence i chatted to new people. but my other friend didnt really make any new friends, so i let her join my new group she went around with us, the thing is ive always really disliked her, im holding a grudge against her, for the way she made me feel like c**p (even though we act nice to each other). shes really insecure now, and shes awkward, and the things she says embarrass me sometimes. she always tries to make out shes better than me, shes lik "omg how did u not know that, everyone knows that" and she spent bout 3 hours telling me the capitals of the world, even though im in higher classes than her, others say it and it comes acros as nice and funy but when she says it its lik a dig at me, i can tel shes being serious, the way she looks, but she must spend so much time cause she dont have anything else to do then if she hears im out with someone else she asks who and stuff acts weord, i know its just jelousy, and i try and invite her out, (but she doesnt like going out often always saying she cant be bothered)

cause i dont want to just ditch her cause then shed have no one, but sometimes i feel like screaming cause what shes saying is just soo irritating.. we've spent so long together, i jst try and keep a friendly distance, be nice invite her to do stuff... what else can i do.. any tips on tolerating her??

this is sooo long, i kno, sorry! lol but if u do manage to read it, if u hav the time lol, then thanks xx




  1. The reality of life is that our days here are numbered.  We don't get any younger.  So, I'll tell you as someone once told me.  You should spend your precious time with people and doing things that you truly enjoy.  Why waste your time listening to insults?  Sure, your friend has issues and you don't want to leave her high and dry.  But, when you hang around that girl, YOU begin to develop issues (like having a grudge against her).  You don't have to burn bridges here.  Just slowly become unavailable and hard to find.  Be out with your other friends and making new ones.  You don't even have to feel guilty about doing this because you can always know to yourself that if the time comes when she can speak to you in public without be insulting or digging into you with her comments, then she is always welcomed back into your circle.  But, until then, she is the one keeping you two apart, not you.

  2. id just ell her "i dont like you i never havee get your own life and stay away from me"

    truthfully i wouldnt have let it go one for years if it was me anyway lol

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