
I dont like my bibrother he is 10 years old what should i do?

by Guest67143  |  earlier

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I dont like my bibrother he is 10 years old what should i do?




  1. are u saying bi or big and some people love their big sibling my littlt bros and sis LOVE me i dont know bout you but me they love me and i love them

  2. You'll learn to love them when your like 20...until then you have to deal with it.

  3. every time he talks to you or does something just ignore him!

  4. Sometimes when you don't like someone, the best way to help the situation is to treat them extra- kindly.  Keep doing that, and you might soon find out he is a nice person, and you actually like him a lot!

  5. You are lucky to have a brother! I am an only child, and let me tell you it is incredibly boring. I would love to have a brother. You do not realize how lucky you are. You will get to be a blood related aunt one day if your brother has kids. Just deal with it.

  6. Deal with it. Nobody likes their younger siblings.

  7. sorry, but you just have to suck it up.

  8. You may not understand this now, but just love him.  To many people are dying and we don't have time on earth with our families and the ones we love.  Could you imagine if you could never see his face again, or how your parents would feel if something happened to any of their children?  Just love your siblings.  I didn't have a great relationship with one of my sisters growing up, but thankfully we are closer than ever now and we would do anything for one another.  I wish we could have been closer growing up.  Try and make things better between you two.

  9. Try to get allon with him.  If you want to get allon with him and you can' to him. I hope this helped.


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