
I dont like my mother in law

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I have been married for almost a year & my husband & I have been ttc since then.We currently rent & just renewed our lease for another year.We hope to be pregnant by the time our lease is up next year. When that happens we will be moving back to his hometown which is an hour from were we live now. The houses are way more affordable, nicer neghborhoods & his family lives there & my parents do also due to the fact I would eventually be moving there also.We plan on having his mom watching the baby because we will save on daycare & she always said she would want to watch the kids when she had grandchildren.She is retired, both of her sons are now out of the house & I think she misses tehm and gets bored which is understandable. I am looking forward to starting a family & buying a house with my husband but Im so scared that his mother is going to affect out marriage when we move there. Now its kind of nice because we dont live to close but not to far but financially its smarter to move there.She is bossy, judgemental, narrowminded,thinks her, her husband & sons are better than everyone & puts her 2 cents in. She always has something to say about someone.She is so fake, she is nice to my face but I KNOW she talks about me behinf my back because she says stuff about my brother in laws fiance & is so sweet to her face. She is kind of like Everyone loves raymonds mom.We went away a couple weeks ago. The 2nd day we were there she called 3 times in one day for stupid reasons.I really cant stand her & worried she will be overstepping her boundaries when she starts watchin our baby.She does now & I think it will get worse.SHe did with our wedding & I talked to her about it.She stopped for a bit but then went right back to doing what she wanted.I was so busy & stressed that I just let it go. I hardly talk to her, its only when I see her & im not myself around her. I just kind of make small talk.My husband agrees with me but never says anything to her about it. I told him before we move up there I want him to have a talk with ther about all this & he said he would. Do you think I should be there for that talk & tell her also? I jst think if she hears it from him she MIGHT listen & try tp understand.I tried before, I took her out to lunch & put things to her nicely but it didnt do anything. Wht should I do? Does anyone else have a mil like this or they dont like?




  1. Your husband needs to have a talk with her right now and tell her how it's going to be.  

  2. you are wanting a baby sitter but not some one that does what all women do

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