
I dont like peas and now my peas are mad at me, what should I do?

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I dont like peas and now my peas are mad at me, what should I do?




  1. I say,show them whose boss and eat them.

  2. Offer them an apology.

  3. Eat them.

  4. Have you bean nasty to them? You need to blanch out your differences.  You might need to sweet talk them. Don't get them steamed up. Once they are sweetpeas I am sure they will never split with you again.

    G'day to you.

  5. put your napkin over them so they cant get you and then dump them some were as soon as someone isn't looking !!!

  6. Have a talk with theses Peas.

    see if they will become not  mad at you..

    workout something with these peas......

  7. are you stupid

  8. just dont buy them again. that way you will not insult them.

  9. You are probably outnumbered so be cautious.

  10. well....Butter bean......I have to tell ya....your up a creek without a paddle...but you can just leave them alone....and go with Butter beans!!! lol.....heck try another kind of Peas...give them Black eyes and call them Blacked eyed Peas!!!

  11. Make them into mushy peas that will soften them up a bit

  12. P on them

  13. Don't cook them then!

  14. Eat your PEAS!!

  15. eat them one at a time, cut them in half, chew them slowly.

    green b******s.

  16. Process them.

  17. LOL!!!  you should go back to R&S...been wondering where you been...

  18. MUSH them.


  19. I haven't heard from you IN such a LONG time I thought GOD had blessed us..


    I suggest you walk up hill,,,, that way they can't follow you..

  20. dont get any

  21. Offer your peas a 'peace' offering!!

  22. You were mean to a green vegetable??? How dare you!

    In fact, PEAS on you, Senor' !!!!

  23. Add some carrots to them.

    Peas resent carrots because they tend to grab the attention because of their bright-orange color. When mixed with carrots, peas tend to feel like dull-green wallflowers.

    Anyway, since they have "an attitude problem" towards you, I'd let them know who's boss and even eat the carrots first!

    THAT'll teach 'em!

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