
I dont like the way i look?

by Guest60745  |  earlier

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im 15 and im a guy. Im wondering what can i do to like the way i look and please dont say stuff like look in a mirrior and say your good looking or just accept yourself,I want to be able to do stuff ,and also im like to the point where if i look in a mirrior i just want to cry. I hate the way i look that much




  1. maybe if you gave a pic, we could give suggestions?

  2. awww don't cry, sometimes i feel the same way. Just change it up. Hang out with some people that will make you feel good about the way you look, positive people. If you are overweight, or want abs or something, go to youtube and find workout videos, i myself can say they work. If you don't like your look, but don't want to spend 100 bucks for an outfit, go to ebay, and you can find a bunch of different (used) clothes. Or go to the Salvation Army. Good luck!!


  3. get a girlfriend!

    go to a gym if your overweight.

    buy proactive if you have acne.

    get more friends too boost your confidence.

    buy nicer clothes it will make you more confident too.

    cut your hair if its shaggy.

    you can do alot to help your self.

  4. Hey, your not alone. You want to know what you can do to accept yourself? First, cover up your mirrors so you can only see your face and maybe shoulders. When you can't see your body you feel less stressed. Cover it up with pictures or words. Second.... I know you are going to hate this but yes, tell yourself you lv yourself everyday. I talked to a professional once and she told me that if everytime a self hatred thought came into your head you should immiediatly tell yourself something positive. Say, "No that's a lie. I am beautiful inside and out." (Or handsome.) If you do that everytime for 30 days you will start to believe it. Do you know how when people tell you stuff over and over again and you soon start to believe it? Well it's the same with yourself. If you can't do it everytime a negative thought comes to mind just say something like that a couple times a day. Expecially in the morning since the thoughts you first have when you wake up will effect your whole day. Sooner or later you'll start to believe it. Trust me, it works. No matter your shape or size you should always accept yourself.

    There are other little things you can do as well. Just to speed up the process. One, stop yourself everytime you think someone is better looking than you. Just say, "Stop. It's not true." And distract yourself.

    Suround yourself with positive people, books, objects, music and all that stuff. Keep things that make you feel good about yourself in your room or bathroom or care or any place you like to hang out. Any sports you are proud of liking? Do you enjoy music? Put things that remind you of the things you like and of the things you do and remind you of what you like 'bout yourself (Or your personality). I found out that when I'm surounded by those things I feel happy. I feel good because I think it's neat that I bellydance or it's neat that I play music. I wouldn't want to trade those things about myself for the world. It really makes you feel better. But make sure your rooms and places are tidy. Otherwise it's more of a negative enviroment.

    Do stuff you like everyday. Keeps you happy.

    Treat your body like a Diamond. Feed it well. Keep it clean. Give it what it needs. Research found out that people who exercise daily, eat healthy, sleep enough feel better about themsel than people who don't.

    You just have to keep you and your enviroment positive at all times.

    That is all I can give you. I don't think there's much else you can do.........but if you do all this and work hard you WILL learn to accept yourself.

  5. we'll maybe you just need to try a new look! and dont think that way. it could be fun adding a little spice to your style. Hair and all : )

  6. I'm guessing your fat...

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