
I dont need friends i have demons to hang out with?

by Guest63475  |  earlier

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i meet them when i started useing the ouija board




  1. be careful. sometimes they can be evil. say 'good bye' if they ever do/say anything bad. once one said 'dont move' to me and my friends... all i can say is dont be too trusting.  

  2. ill be  a friend to you on here add me to your friends list  hey i have been ther done that but demons dont make good friends they lead you to ruin but they did give me freind ship for while but that craving for human friends still consumed me they gave me the name chaos but like other said have fun trying to prove it to real freind when they come or that speacil girl when she comes demons repulse most and demons make you feel good and then they betray you and they rob you blind

  3. id rather hang with my enEmies THAN DEMONS

  4. cool

  5. hey! another meddler! cool.

    why is it that we all start with ouija boards...interesting.

    so which demons do you hang out with, i might know a few.

    email me!

  6. REALLY?!?! what are there names? i personally hate them. I hear they're clingy so i wouldn't break your friendship with them if i were you. =D tell them i said hi, maybe they know me.

    I think Jesus is more fun, demons are like...boring you know, same ol' same ol'

  7. wow...... thats kinda..... strange.

    y dont you go make LIVING friends?

  8. Right.  If you have imaginary friends still and you're older, then you really, really need to get out more.  Ouija boards are fake.  You move to spell certain words based on your own accord and what you want to hear.  Try to use it and make your arm limp, see what happens.  Get outta the house.  

  9. Wow man, you are a creep.  Every single one of your messages Ive read just grosses me out.  Get some sun dude.

  10. So if you and your demons are such great buddies that you don't need friends to talk to, why are you here bothering us?

    Let us know when your 11th birthday will be. I'm sure we'd all love to send you a nice little card.

  11. wow... good for you, good luck telling your friends that.

    Your weird.

  12. u have problems

  13. demos, emos.hmmm

  14. Demons are very deceptive evil creatures. They will pretend they are friendly when in fact they are not. They do this to trick people into pretending that they are good and harmless.  

  15. i love my demon friends

  16. If you are hearing voices? this can also mean other things especially if you hear them all the time. Talk to a doctor, maybe even a priest for help. Where science fails faith can often produce miracles.

    Demons may be testing you to see where and when you crack, It's been about 8 months for my first encounter with voices. Some are good you just have to believe in yourself as a good person and they will come to you. Never say yes to anything they ask they are always trying to get something from you. Demons can also simply be your own fears playing games with you. The loser however can find them self losing their soul as this is the ultimate prize for a Demon.

    Friends are important to have especially good close friends who will help you through things. Never try to make people believe you hear them just seek out others who can too like me.

  17. umm okay thats kewl  

  18. demons can be good friends.

  19. Me too, and we all listen to Hawthorne Heights together.

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