
I dont no what to do SUICIDE or not?

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Im really confused. MY thoughts are taking over and i want to end NOW! i Have A rope ready But i dont no. Im Considering Suicide Now. . And i dont want attention if most people are laughing at it now. WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?




  1. This is serious, I am not laughing at you, I am taking you very seriously.

    You need to see a doctor, and calm down. And you need to see a mental health professional, to find out why you are feeling this way. Ask your doctor for help. Help is there if you ASK.  

  2. Maybe  a bit harsh but you wanna know what to do, grow up and go out there and live your life. See friends, find a hobby and realise there is always someone worse off than you. I do wish you luck though and if things are that bad get some professional help.

  3. I know exactly how you feel. I have definitely been there. Somebody once said to me that why don't you stick it out for 90 days (count them in your calendar or diary) and if it's still this bad at the end of the 90 days then you can consider suicide as an option. However, most all of things can be solved within that time period. In the meantime, why don't you arrange to go and talk to someone professionally. It honestly will help.

    I really feel for you. I'm sorry you're going through this.

  4. No offense, but you are thinking way too 1 dimensional, you are thinking in the present. What you need to do is think about the future, You are just in a rut, a slump, you feel bad (for reasons you haven't made clear) you're confused. It happens to everyone, some take it the wrong way, and make a stupid decision. Look at the bigger picture in front of you "The Future" Think about all the people you would be hurting emotionally, think about how you are going to affect their minds for the rest of their lives, think about all you would miss out on. Believe me, confusion is a common thing, and it fades away. Do not end your life, its not worth the trouble to you or to others. There is so much better for you out in the world, you have to see it, and look at it, don't just look and feel in the present, Think about the future..... your future.    

  5. put the rope down and go to a family member for guidance.....explain all of your feelings AND DONT HOLD ANYTHING BACK....they can help you sort out your emotions......if a family member isnt an option try a trusted friend or guidance counselor....

    PS dont let your emotions get the best of you.....take care..

  6. Yeah. People have this misconception that ALL the people considering suicide are doing it for ain't true. Hun, the final choice is up to you. I wouldn't though. Thats just me. I'm afraid of looking weak = ya know, not being able to handle life as others have before me. I also know that I can grow older and do whatever I want to when I move out.

    I'm not gonna lie, life is rough! But it gets better. It always does. When I go off my meds (don't go off meds!) I look for things I can swallow. "Whatever can help me escape", but then the next week, I feel something or do something that I would not have been able to do before If I were dead. That is what keeps me going! Do you not have any dreams or future hopes? Think about the things and people you love. If you leave the ones you love, what will they think? I dunno, probably that you abandoned them or didn't care about them. They will live the rest of their lives without one they adore. Life is rough, but you know what they say: "When life gets too hard to stand, kneel." In other words, don't ever give up!  

  7. If I had a rope ready to Kil myself I would not be sitting on the computer asking questions about it. If this is not a cry for attention then think about your parents. My Uncle killed himself and my brother is very suicidal. If my brother killed himself I would know about 100 people who would be distrought! Suicide is the most selfish thing anyone could ever do to another human being! SELFISH

  8. Just because your life is feeling S****y right now doesn't mean you should end it... there's lots of other ways that you can easily solve your problem.

    First of all... Don't go to therapy, half of the therapist don't have a clue on how to help you, they just sit there and pretend to know everything, knowing that at the end of the week they'll be receiving their paychecks (who knows, once u mention suicide they'll probably even call the hospital on you... be careful).

    Try talking to someone you feel comfortable being around. A friend, parent, boyfriend, ANYONE WHO YOU THINK YOU CAN TRUST. Take it easy and know that there's thousands of other people dealing with way worst than what your going through.

  9. u idiot. Thats all of my answer. U can whine, u can cry, u can grab attention anyway, if u even thinking about that i would say: go ahead. I know people who legless, lost all of her family, lost his eyes, lost all of his business, even know people whosw been chasing by the underworld . And none of them even thought about this thing...

  10. Suicide is not the answer to even the hardest problems.  Even if you don't know it, there are a lot of people who care about you.  If you don't already, visit Postsecret (  You may find stories that are remarkably similar to yours and you will meet a world of people that care about you.  

  11. Suicide is not the answer.  And the fact that you are crying for help suggests that you are in more control over your actions than you think.  Those thoughts you have are called racing thoughts.  You have the ability to take control of those thoughts by reprograming the way you think.  At first you'll feel it's too much work but after a while you'll be a pro at it.  It's really cool.  I was in your shoes many times for many years.  Email me anytime an we'll chat about it.  It's amazing how much control we have to change.  We are truly amazing creatures.  

    I wish you happiness.


  12. if you think the world would be better place without you, jump. you've obviously convinced yourself that youre so incredibly unlovable. but what you should actually do is not dye your hair black anymore, erase those ridiculous lines of black that circle what were once pretty eyes, tear up all those t-shirts with skulls on them, kick your negative boyfriend to the kurb, tell your mother and father that you love them, quit drugs and binge drinking, burn all your crappy posters dvds and cds.  

  13. Hey over there..

    Im real sorry 4 what ur goin thru.. Ur thots must b mighty serious if ur thinkin abt killin urself...Im not much of an adviser but please reconsider ur options...dont end ur expensive life on a cheap piece of string...the rope aint the answer 4 ur devastated situation....

    we were born with 2 incredible gifts, will n choice. Currently the choice n will in ur death (I understand ur predicament)It's hard 2 notice at this situation, but so many pple need ur attention(me included) The only thing i can tell u is 2 fight ur thots n pray a lot... Death isnt the answer; ur WILL n CHOICE is the answer..

        i care 4 u

        Simon at  

  14. Dont do it hun, it wont be this way forever. Please, please call someone. If you have no one close to you go to the hospital please! It will get better. Lots of us have had hard times, but you pull through - honestly. Please dont do anything to harm yourself. You are a wonderful, wonderful person - you just cant see that right now x x x

  15. Can you live without thinking too much??? that would be a start.

    Try it for the sake of yourself living, itwill help. Obsessive thinking, Wanting too much, hating too much, feel sorry for yourself, keeping heavy emotions inside you... list just goes on... i know i making it sounds easy, but yes its quite tough in start. This is a different track of your life. This track has no end and will never be old. In other words, its your inner peace. :)

  16. Don't do anything so rash. Life is very precious to end like this. Sure there is some solution to your problem. You just need to sit down, relax and maybe discuss this issue with someone you trust the most. Right now you are not in the right frame of mind and therefore you are getting such extreme thoughts. Just banish them from your mind and talk to someone close about it.  

  17. dont take your life ,   go find help  , if you have no one to talk to . send me a message . i will be your friend if thats all you need .    i hope you make the right choice ,  suicide is the worst way to get out of something .  you end up in a worse place in the end  

  18. life is worth living. don't give up now, its not worth it.

    and what the h**l will the people who love you who are left behind be feeling? They will know you committed suicide, and most likely blame themselves, and that is NOT FAIR AT ALL. they will feel grief and pain. If your not living for yourself, at least try and live for them.

    Why do you want to end your life? There is always a light in the end of the tunnel. Work through your problems. I have.

    Email me.


    p.s just don't do it. Its not fair on the people you leave behind, and not fair on you to end your life now.  

  19. People are saying don't do it, and their exactly right....

    why would you end your life like that be grateful of what you have and give and don't take

    I don't know your situation or why your doing this but there is no true heaven out there and if not existing is better then a life you live in now then I dunno i wouldn't do it? it's up to you but your life doesn't have to end yet, you don't know what's in the future.

  20. There is never a reason to kill youself, there is always another way out. Life is precious, don't waste yours.

    I suggest talking to a trusted family member or friend and arranging to see a doctor or phsyciatrist to help sort out what is going on for you. I hope you make the right decision and sort out whatever it is that makes you feel this way

  21. TALK TO SOMEONE now call a pastor  tell a parent , aunt or close friend. that is not the answer  people who do this just don't realize  the pain  and  unanswered questions  for the ones left behind. things will get better life is wonderful talk to someone  tomorrow  will not seem so bad after all you were put here for a reason  and  taking  your life  was not  the reason

  22. I want to die all the time, several times I have prepared for my own death with full intention of carrying it out. There is one thing that helps me and brings hope to my life, it stops me from ending it all. They have saved my life and continue to do so every day. Look up My Chemical Romance on youtube and listen to their songs. And I mean really listen to the lyrics and the meaning behind them. I hope that the music will do for you what it has done for me. I owe everything to those guys, I wouldn't be here now if not for them.

  23. DON'T DO IT!!!!! Seriously if you have problems you can solve them as long as you are alive!!!

    please don't do it! if you need help, there many ways, and ur just confused, a lot of people want to live, but don't have a choice, and you do! make the right choice! live! and enjoy ife, it'll come around just wait and see! =)

    if you need to talk i'm here for you!

  24. Think bout this, what are you going to accomplish by killing your self? if everything is pushing you down and you kill your self it means your giving up, everyone would just forget you later in the future, but if you actually stand for your self and always be posititive and happy and change the world and do something about it, you'll accomplish something, to die with no one caring is just saying I give up, everyone wouldn't care. so I say drop the rope and change your life right now!

  25. Let me tell you something...I don't know you, but I can tell you this....NOTHING is worth your life!!  DON'T do it.  It's a coward's way out.  There is LOTS of help out there for you.  How old are you?  Please seek help, nothing is worth your life.  Things may look grim now, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.  I know, I used to drink my way through sorrow.  Not the answer.  Get help.

  26. Your so stupid dont commit suicide use your brain think about it your probably just another d**n teenager you got so much more years to live and you wont want to suicide when your older i bet you .

    because life gets so much more better when your older

    you better not or else your considered a retarded dik suking w***e

    and thats how everybodys going to see you as do you want that????

  27. If you're considering suicide, what you need to do is seek help, right away.

    Call the suicide hot line, they're available 24/7 and it's personal and confidential. They can help you if you let them. If you go to the link in my sources, you can get local numbers as well.

    The National ones are:

    1-800-SUICIDE    1-800-273-TALK

    1-800-784-2433    1-800-273-8255

    Call a friend you trust, or a family member you can trust.  It's important that you reach out and realize that no matter how bad it seems, you're not alone in life.

    Take it from someone who knows.  I've experienced a suicide in my family, and you leave behind you such a wake of pain, greater than you can imagine.  Is it really fair to do that to other people, just because you feel badly?  Ask for help.  

  28. The fact that you hesitated shows that your conscious knows that there are better things awaiting you, don't do it.

    Go outside, have a chat with your friends, play with your pets, watch the opening ceremony that starts in a little over 2 hours!

  29. I'm in the dark here. I'm in the DAAARRRK. What do you want here. I'm going to blow my brains out.

    Grow up!!!! and GET THE WAX OUT OF YOUR EARS.

  30. Not suicide it's not the answer.  Talk to someone you can trust things are never as bad as they seem.

    I think you need to see a doctor, and you can get the help you need.

    Suicide is the cowards way out, be brave and face your problems head on, it will make you stronger.

    Best of luck!!!!

  31. I know someone who committed suicide today. It really hit me hard and I have never met them or talked to them in my life. Don't do it, think of all the special people you have or had in your life. There is always something you can do about it.

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