
I dont really wanna shower with my volleyball team ...:S?

by  |  earlier

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They are all a lot older than me and all and i sorta feel like i dont want to whats my excuse ....and please dont say the truth




  1. I think that u need to face your fears because if you can change clothes in front of them just think when u take a shower with them just think that u are at home in your own shower that ain't nobody is in there with u. I play volleyball and i am overweight (211) but i am not your average type of  big gurl i can move just like the rest of them and i have no problem changing in front of them.

  2. leave the team or suck it up......................

  3. what some players on my team do ( and i am one of them) is we shower with our sports bras on and our spandex. i know how you feel cuz i am a freshman playing on varsity. don't quit! a small thing as showering shouldn't keep you from doing something you love.

  4. after a game or a practice or w/e just say im going to go work out there's no point to take one now becuz im going to go take a shower after. its that simple.

  5. just tell them that u have a sports commentment rite after practices and go home 2 take 1.

  6. I like pavement....

  7. if your not old enough to drive: my ride picks me up on their way home from work and i dont have time

    if you do drive:  babysit, job, tons of hw, or just suck it up =]

    and i mean that in the nicest way possible

  8. If it is a home game just tell everyone you have to get a ride home.

    An away game...I am not so sure.

  9. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. And you don't need to give an excuse for not wanting to.  Some people just don't feel comfortable showering together.  There is nothing to be ashamed of.

  10. I definitely wouldn't have wanted to shower in front of my team.  We never took showers, but if we had, I wouldn't have done it.  You don't need to do that if you aren't comfortable with it.

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