
I dont shower every day...what now?

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"Do you shower every day?" Everyone but me raised their hand and I know I should have but I just didn't. I do keep myself clean but I find it way too inconvenient to jump into the shower EVERY day. I shower every second day, sometimes twice a day, it really depends on what I'm doing that day.

SO, now that everyone knows that I only shower every second day, what can I do? Have I ruined it for myself? Will everyone think I'm a dirty pig now?




  1. as long as you don't stink, i don't think it would matter. i've noticed that my skin is softer after i skip a day myself.

    i don't wash my hair everyday- well, at least i didn't. now i have to because fo the type of environment i'm in. (the desert- i shower atleast 2 times a day now because i have been sweating so badly out here!)

  2. I don't shower everyday. But unless I exercise or do something that gets me really sweaty then I will jump into the shower. Its not good to wash your hair everyday.

  3. just keep yourself clean and people will see , take a shower >.>

  4. Just make sure that you don't smell on the days you don't shower :) At the very least, do a quick wash. Nothing repels people more than if you obviously have bad hygiene. If it's not obvious, no one will care. Besides any smell you may have, another giveaway to the absence of a shower is if your hair is greasy. If you can mitigate these two factors, I say you're good to go.  

  5. That's gross.

    Normal ppl shower EVERYDAY(:

  6. Mkay, first off, not all "normal" people shower everyday. In the US, we have a very different idea of this sort of thing. In Europe, especially France, people do not usually shower even every second day. Also it depends on what you do, while its important to keep clean, that does not mean that a shower every day is necessary. My hair would be sooo frizzy if I showered everyday, unlike those thin haired girls that have to shower every day because their hair get greasy. I usually take a full shower every second day no matter what, but jump in for a quick rinse after tennis practice or a super hot day.

    Anyways, what I mean is don't let it bother you if other people are rude, they are just ignorant. I mean it's not like you NEVER shower!

    good luck, hun :)

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