
I dont think I will be able to face my science class ever again?

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I keep failing science, I get given a test and I leave it blank, if i try give it a go i end up putting the most stupid answer which has nothing to do with the question.The whole class knows Im stupid and I dont want to face them ever again, even my friends think Im dumb.




  1. ok... why does this have to do anything with science? lol... this topic should place in people cagatories. any way back to your problem... just study man! or woman.... if you want to be an idiot and not be embarassed, then act like you're doing it on purpose. just get tons of detentions :P

  2. If you're showing up for class, and doing your assignments, and the test is still freaking you out, then its probably just fear.

    One of my best profs at Uni gave me this advice: skim through the exam and while you panic, find one tiny little question that you're sure you've got. Take your time and answer it really well. Even write the answer as a sentence at the end. Then go look for another one.  Keep going from there. It worked for me.

    Another idea: you may not be a numbers person. Try writing bits of sentences between your math, show your thoughts. Like,"if the coefficient of friction is..."  This will help you think through the problem, and might get you some part marks if the final answer is not quite there.

    Please please please STOP putting yourself down!

  3. Try a tutor. Test anxiety is a real problem. Working one-on-one with a tutor can build confidence. You obviously are NOT stupid.

  4. Big thing is to do lots of practice problems. And NOT by posting them here.

    If you can't solve a problem, get someone to walk you through it step by step.

  5. Just because science isn't your star subject doesn't make you a mental midget - and if these friends were true friends, they would already know this. Don't be so hard on yourself. If your stressing out before each test, of course your going to blank out. Just relax, study and do the best you can.

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