
I dont think im being treated right at work, can anyone help?

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I work for B&Q, I've been working there about 6 months, a month ago i had an appraisal and my manager could'nt have praised me up more! We recently found out that B&Q is'nt doing that well and they want to cut down on staff hours. The other day my manager called me into the office and said he was appouled by my how im working etc but I dont think i'm any different. They've done this to alot of young people, are they just looking for excuses to fire people?




  1. it definetly sounds like it, you need to complain! they should be truthful if they need to let you go they should say, they shouldn't make excuses. hope this helps a little =)

  2. I would say that yes they probably are, one minute you're great, then the next thing they say you're rubbish, looks like they are using excuses!

  3. Sounds like it, if you are sure you aren't doing anything different or wrong.

    Did he say what you were doing, attitude, attendance?

  4. They don't need excuses. They can fire anyone they want. I don't know why the change.

  5. Hi  

    It seems to be unfair treatment.  

    I would request another meeting with your manager and ask for a copy of your appraisal, if you don't already have one, you are entitled to this.

    Next I would ask your manager to provide details of your recent poor work performance so that you can improve!  

    Depending on the response to these very reasonable requests, I would either

    Improve work performance

    Contact/inform Human Resource Dept

    Contact/inform Head Office.

    It sounds very unfair work practice and unfortunately more often its applied to younger/temp members of staff, which is totally unacceptable.


  6. If they want to fire you they can, without a reason, so it doesn't sound like that's what's going on.  Did he give specifics on what you are doing wrong?  If not, ask him.

    "Being treated right" at work is not a legal right, sorry.

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