
I dont think my mom is fair she makes me go to bed at 9:30 no leeway is this unfair? should i get a later time

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shes so strict i want a little later bed time like 10:00-10:30.

is i this reason able she says no its to late.




  1. That depends.  What time do you have to get up in the morning?

    An alarming number of teenagers are sleep deprived, resulting in the inability to concentrate, sluggishness throughout the day, and poor school performance.  Teenagers need 9 to 9 1/2 hours of sleep each night, because growth hormones are released while you are sleeping.

  2. Your mom needs a break.  She probably works all day, then deals with you, cooking dinner, cleaning, etc.  She wants some time to herself before she has to go to bed and start over.  Just listen to her!

  3. How old are you?  What time do you need to get up in the morning?  Regardless if your mom says 9:30 is bedtime then that is bedtime.

  4. actually, it depends on age, since different ages need different amounts of sleep.

    so even then, it depends on what time you need to be awake.

    one thing you can try is to have a CALM, reasonable discussion about it.  

    ask if you can have an extra half hour. ask her if you can try it for one week.  if you are unable to get up on time, you can return to what she says is bedtime.

  5. Just go to bed when your mom wants you to... before you know it, you will have to get up every weekday morning for most of the rest of your life at some ungodly, early hour because you have to work for a living.

    Enjoy sleeping while you can!

  6. stick to your rules mom! you have to have rules of the house and you have to go by them. i think thats a good time to go to bed, especially during school time. my girlfriend is strict too with our daughter, when we say no, it means no, she doesnt like it sometimes, but hoopty doo. if your mom says no, then its no, shes your mom and she knows whats best for you, so dont argue or she might make it sooner. our daughter has to go to bed at 8:30 during school days.

  7. WAY TO GO MOM!!!  It may be a principle thing....if she says that is bedtime, that's bedtime.  She's sticking to her guns and I have to say I'm proud of her.  Kind of that whole "if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile" thing.

  8. How old are you?  School kids generally need 10 hours of sleep a night.  Your mum sounds like she is being reasonable to me.

  9. That depends on a few things.  How old are you?  What time do you have to get up in the morning?  Has lack of sleep affected your grades/temper in the past?  She probably just wants to make sure you're getting enough sleep to be healthy and do well in school.

  10. well shes your mom so to bad so sad

    i dont know how old you are but when i was a kid we had top go to bed at 8pm somtimes it was still light out even and we were in bed so count your blessings

  11. it depends how old you are

  12. 9:30 sounds right to me.  You don't give any indication of your age, so it might even be too late.  I assume that you have to get up early in the morning.

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