
I dont think they believe me! help!?

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I have social phobia and I dont enjoy going out places, especially places I've been humiliated alot ( ex. school, church and even shopping. I have social anxiety.....(social phobia) and It keeps getting worse. i am 16 years old and my parents thnik im just trying to get my way by not going those places, im truthfully, IM TERRIFFIED!





  1. Definitely talk to your guidance counselor at school. That's what I had to do because my anxiety and panic attacks began when I was 12 and of course my parents did not believe me. My counselor asked to have a meeting with them and hearing it from her made them believe I did have a problem indeed which I could not control.

  2. you could talk to your doctor about it. it is a very real problem.  

  3. Try talking to your school advisor, nurse, or spiritual counselor. Perhaps they can help you, or intercede with your parents on your behalf.

    This is a real illness, and needs to be treated... medication and therapy have been proven helpful.

  4. stop letting yourself get humiliated. just take it and be a big girl.

  5. Tell a professional at your school and they will be able to guide you in the right direction and can tell your parents that these conditions are REAL and can happen to people.  

  6. if there is a place you fear because something happened there you should get yourself together and go there BEAT THE FEAR...

  7. Just tell your parents  honestly how you feel . look up info about SAD on the web and SHOW them how it effects other people. ( if you have'nt already) It might take them a while to really get it. But hopefully they'll understand.  

  8. go to your doctor and explain. they can give you anxiety meds if you need it. call this toll free # and see if they could give you any support 1-800-448-3000.  

  9. tell your guidance counselor at school what you just told us. They can get you therapy and help you get through the fear.  

  10. you can tell your parents til your blue in the face but that wont help. so your going to have to go to school, church or where ever else your parents want you to go. but i understand your shy but so are many other people. sometimes i get scared when i have to go meet new people or even talk to the people at the front desk in a shop. what you can do is take a good friend, sister, brother, or parent with you a couple of times then slowly go by yourself. or you could use ice breakers. they can be really funny and cheesy so you'll get people to laugh and you'll both feel comfortable. i looked a bunch of them up one day cause i was bored here are a few:

    I'm sorry, were you talking to me? Her: No. Well then, please start.

    POOF! (What are u doing?) I'm here, where are your other two wishes?

    Life without you would be like a broken pencil...pointless.

    I'm like chocolate pudding, I look like c**p but im as sweet as can be.

    Excuse me, I think you have something in your eye. Nope, it's just a sparkle.

    Giant polar bear (What?) It's an icebreaker. Hi, my name is....

    Excuse me, but I DO think it's time we met.

    okay some of these are chessey but they might help.  

  11. Oh man do I know what you mean - my 'social phobia' got so bad I developed involuntary neck twitches - it was that serious. But I Did get over it, once I started putting myself out there. Thats the cure though - you need to be more social, as horrible and 'un-doable' as it may sound. You'll get used to people looking at you and eventually you won't even care. Think of it as watching a commercial. You see the commercial 100 times, and the more you see it - the less you pay attention to it. Eventually you'll be watching the commercial and won't even realize you're doing so! Get out of the house whenever somebody else goes out. Your parents go out shopping - go with em'. It helps when youre with people youre comfortable with.  

  12. Tell your parents that you really are scared, and if you want to do what's best for yourself, you should tell them that you might like to see someone about it. If you say that, I'm sure they will believe you.

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