
I dont understand, why would someone want to undergo the process of Kudalini?

by Guest57064  |  earlier

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What benefit is there really to gain by undergoing this K. awakening. After all the stressess it brings, what real purpose is there for awakening or burdening it does it really do to us(I know it brings union to a person, but does it ever stabilize for good). What is the final state of Kudalini when is as far as it goes??? Does it continue to plague the person with the the negatives it brings for the rest of that person's life???




  1. Self realization,it is the goal for this process and the manifestation of the Kundalini energy is called vibrations,and

    probably this not so pleasant lessons received in the kundalini awakening it is part of the process,once you have done that you  reach the "path of light." This path is described in straightforward of awareness and consciousness to the next.

  2. Can't tell you for sure, but I do know the only people I've ever heard talk about it were paranoid schizophrenics.  Three of them now on separate occasions - all very mentally ill.  That should probably tell you something.

  3. Are you a practising Hindu or Buddhist?

    You are should ask this question in a forum dealing with Tantric practics. The word Kundalini is just a metaphor for the realignment of certain internal energies.

    If you or a friend are experiencing negative effects  from practicing Tantric exercises you are

    1) doing them wrong

    2) not properly prepared

    3) not mature enuff

    Switch back to basic meditation techniques and leave Tantric yoga for those who are have been properly prepared!

    There are related Taoist techniques you also should avoid unless properly prepared!

    Try to find Luk's book on chinese meditation techniques which discusses the pros and cons and dangers and benefits of sexual yoga.

    Its not my path so I cant give you any further detail.

  4. It's just another flavor of New Age kookiness, nothing more.

  5. Because of the lore associated with it.

  6. As P T Barnum said, there's a sucker born every minute.

  7. I ask my Guide about your question. I know so little about Kundalini awakening. Dr. Chang tells me that the awakening and the process that results from it, is only for  those advanced enough to undertake the rigours of Kundalini power.That it manifests from the 1st Chakra I do know. The Hindu's seem to attach more understanding to this process. I do know that it doesn't pay to fool around with Occult powers. If it does plague people's lives as you say, then it suggests they are not equipped to handle it.

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