
I dont understand how people dont believe in "global warming"?

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Please, give me your logical perspective on why global warming is a hoax. I realize some people are so arrogant they will never accept reality. I dont say theat global warming is man made, but I do believe we are contributing to it in a way that will have long term health effects on everybody.




  1. let them don't

    atlz there grand children will

    what i feel those who are ignorant and are ignoring the effects of global warming are not the creatures of mother earth.

  2. no proper awarness or education

  3. They don't believe because they don't want to.

    Those billions of dollars cannot be lost for the sake of humanity, no...

    I spend my winter holidays in Europe and I can say that for the last 7 years I hadn't felt the cold of winter at Christmas or on the New year Eve.

  4. A very simple argument can put all this bull c**p to rest.

    Scientists (not paid for by oil&gas) have recorded the temperature and the amount of C02  on this planet going back more than 670,000 years ago through ice samples. It is the most reliable data we have...

    simply explained...when CO2 goes down, temperature goes down....when CO2 goes up, temperature goes up.

    We, the people, are dumping more CO2 into the atmosphere than what the earth can naturally handle.

    We, the people on this earth, are playing the largest experiment in the in the history of our existence on this planet.

    There is only one earth, why take the risk? Think about your children and grandchildren.

  5. It takes a certain degree of quantitative thought, even some imagination once backed by science to visualize the global warming catastrophe in progress. If you think about it, how close do people actually get to world events other than reading or watching it off a computer or television monitor. There is a degree of trust that is established between the journalist and viewer. Then take into account the number of people that are influenced by sources other than science (religion, politics, their social network). It is a somewhat slow process that won't show catastrophic results until decades even centuries later. Its just too difficult for the non scientific community to comprehend catastrophes that happen over such a great length of time even if its only a blip in the Earth's time. Most people don't have the intellectual capacity, or intellectual will to understand global warming let alone the patience and possibly time (being busy) to fully read enough scientific articles or evidence for it to sink in. Also, most humans (especially Americans) are impatient and need to see results quick, they are so keen on basing global warming evidence by the daytime temperatures of their city when actually, global warming will take many decades to pan out. Humans can't see past their immediate results.

  6. Because we have done the research, we understand the nature of the planet, and we have not been brainwashed in school.

  7. of all the answers, crazy con is the only one that posted links.

    all the others were "i don't believe it".

    so, who were those links to, and what was he talking about?

    first, he talks about 2000 years ago.

    7% of all the people who have ever lived on this earth, in 200,000 years, are alive today.  it makes no difference what the climate was like 2000, or 200, or 18,000 years ago.

    there's a blog link.  (actually 2.)  now that's science we can trust.

    2 links to  who's that?*t...

    this is silly.

    there just isn't any good science here at all.

    he did have a US temp chart.

    maybe this is where he got it.

    maybe we ought to look at all the rest of the charts.

    now, one might commend his efforts.

    but it would be even better if he put all that energy into what's obviously the truth.

    as for you assertion,  <<To me "Global Warming" is really happening, but there is hardly anything we can do about it, because it is naturally occurring, it is not mad made>>  it really is manmade.  here's the science:

    <<Average temperature means nothing, because there are extremes and non extremes when it coes to climate change, what we have to wrorry about>>

    actually, it is the average we have to worry about.  clearly weather is changable.  but it's the average that determines rainfall over long periods of years.  the US southwest has been in a drought for more than 10 years.  there is no sign it's getting better.

    people in Darfur are victims of drought also.  that's 200k+ dead, because of human caused global warming.  and it's going to get far worse.  maybe you'd be interested in going and telling all the surviving family members that it's probably not happening, but if it is, it's just a natural process.

  8. I consider myself to be an environmentalist and if I'm not, I'm trying, but I don't believe in global warming. It's all a media blow-up. Instead of worrying about what could happen in the future, issues need to be addressed now. Like saving the rainforest and endangered species. Just think about it: all the money society is spending on global warming prevention could be used to preserve forest that is currently here or buy so many vaccines for so many children.

  9. the only logic i find behind it is that people dont believe the environmentalists. Twenty years ago they were saying it was the next ice age, now the ice caps are gonna melt. I personally have not seen any REAL proof- if they can prove to me this is actually happening, maybe i'll believe it. And if you believe its happening how can you say its not man-made, wheres your logic

  10. You obviously have a conscience that's based on reason. Good for you :)

    GLOBAL WARMING is obviously due to our humanly deeds, but there are those, like the first guy who posted, that vehemently refuse to believe it. Why? There are a few reasons why, but I think the #1 reason is OIL. Our economy will have to be forced to go green, and that doesn't fit well with this country, which is understandable but somewhere along the line we have to accept and make serious changes. Oil has been running this country and keeping us rich. Changing that aspect completely will devastate profit-makers, as they have a choke-hold on our most wealthiest, and most powerful creatures that inhabit this country.


  11. i do not belive it because ,the earth has gone through changes like this,cooling/warming trends before and man still did not have cars,or nuclear plants, or anything powerd back then , and the earth actually had more extreme weather changes , climate changes , and very harsh ice ages.

    we cannot change what the earth will do , nore do we have any effect on the earths process. i would be more worried if the earth stayed the same,we ,such as all animals ,even the plants would be dead.

  12. I don't believe in global warming because the earth has been cooling for the last 10 years.

  13. people don't believe in global warming because they are not concern. People also need money from the earth not for the earth, they don't understand it because they didn't know the true meaning of global warming.

  14. If something has to be believed, then it's not science.  No one believes what the speed of light is.

    When so-called "Global Warming" no longer has to be believed, then it will be.

    "Science" cannot be used to predict the future.  No one knows if it will be warmer or colder anytime in the future.

  15. This is such a controversial question and there are many ways to look at it. Alot of people think that man has no contribution to global warming or that there is even global warming.

    Fact: Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere results in warmer temperatures.

    Humans omit tremendous amounts of green house gases every year. So with enough human activity, the temperature is bound to rise. It is simple.. The more carbon dioxide, the warmer the temperature. Even a few degrees change in temperature can make a huge difference.

    I think people would rather ignore the fact that we are damaging the earth, rather than do something about it.

  16. Al Gore and his sheep the Eco-Freaks are a fraud.

  17. I don't really see why they don't believe either.

    Give lots of people this site

    and maybe they'll start believing, too.

  18. Dude, what effects? People are living longer and longer. Global warming and global cooling happen throughout the year. It's called summer and winter. Yes we might be contributing some stuff but d**n, u can't stop everything. I've heard that every time we exhale we produce CO2, which in some BS way, pollutes the earth. There are no long term health effects. No one has it, it won't change, maybe over hundreds of years you might see a little bit of health effects change if any, but since medicines and everything become better we wouldn't notice a difference.

  19. G-W, is a natural state of being. That is to say, it's NOT man-made. If there was no G-W, we'd still be in the last Ice Age. WE do not "cause" it, WE cannot "stop" it. The ONLY thing "man-made" about it is the hoax perpetuated by Al Gore, & all his "junk science" buddies, who are scarring a lot of foolish people into blowing a lot of wasted money into "fixing" something WE can't to squat about! There are a lot of people laughing all the way to the bank, because SOME people are stupid enough to believe that throwing money at a "problem"(even a bogus one), somehow will "fix" it. Some of US are smart enough to recognize B/S when we hear it, so WE still have OUR cash!

  20. I think that people are saying that global warming is an excuse is because they know that they are doing something bad to the earth and they want to excuse to continue to do it.....

  21. Warming and cooling of the planet have been going on for 100s of millions of years.

    What people don't believe in that MAN, has anything to do with it.  

    Its just a power trip to control the masses, and do what a small number of folks think needs to be done.

  22. Global warming is a scam. the world has had volcanoes, earthquakes, ice ages, meteors, and floods for millions of years. No problem. Now some simple carbon dioxide that is essentially just plant food is going to destroy everything? LoL. This has to be one of the biggest communist hoaxes of all time.

    I understand that most of the history of the world has seen warmer temperatures and that we are emerging from the mini-ice age following the Krakatoa volcanic eruption 800 years ago. I think that the earth would be warming right now if humans weren't here. I also know that there has been increased solar flare activity in recent years that may be contributing to temperature increases. The last 25 years has seen very slight temperature increases for ALL the other planets in the solar system as well.

    Evaportion is good for living things because 2/3 of the earth's surface is water and what goes up must come down. I don't necessarily believe increases in CO2% will increase plant growth directly as some do because this increase is only a very minor amount and of course CO2 is not generally thought of as the limiting factor in plant growth but more often sunlight and to a less consistent degree water which as I've mentioned should increase with higher planetary temperature. Increased rainfall will balance the water factor enough to increase land mass coverage by foliage. When the volcanic dust blocked out sunlight 800 years ago oxygen levels plummeted as photosynthetic organisms collapsed.leading to a new ice age round of large animal extinctions.

    Arctic and antarctic circle animal, plant and human tribe extinctions also occored. The mass migrations out of northern Asia and Scandanavia sparked huge unrest and the northern Asian population has barely begun to recover. As the world recovers from yet another ice age humans have become self aware enough to recognize the dynamic nature of the earth's climate but maybe not enough to percieve all factors.

    Al Gore says the oceans will rise up to 25 feet! From just the frozen north and south poles? Are you kidding me? He can't really think think the world is dumb enough to believe that obvious lie. If the caps melt the ocean will rise very little. You see I took GEOMETRY in school. The earth is a sphere. A vast majority of the sphere is not covered by ice. Each half has to be far less than 10% ice covered even in the winter, probably less than 5% in the summer. LOL. It switches year round because of alterante seaons in the north south pole. How tall would those ice sheets need to be to raise the sea level noticably of the rest of the earth which is mostly covered in water have to be? Don't forget that ice expands to a much larger size over the same quantity of water, including the portion that is below sea level which will of course itself contract subsatantially as the arctic is all sea with little land. The answer: It would have to be miles high. It is a proven fact that 1000 years ago there were huge vineyards growning in northern Britian. It is far too cold to grow grapes there today. Guess what the sea level was then? You guessed it (whoever has at least and average IQ) the same as it is today according to coastline sediment formations.

    I can not embrace the arena of warming prevention because at its core it is a decidedly atheist movement and makes little sense as a danger when the God factor is introduced. Save us God from a possible 2 or 3 degree average global temperature increase over the next century should be my prayer?.

  23. Who causes volcanoes to erupt, lightning to create new growth, plates to grind together and cause earthquakes and tidal waves.   The world changes and microbes up to humans better learn to adjust and enjoy the new stage they have to play on. and new parts

  24. Heres reality for you. average temps right now should be in the mid-high 90's. It's bearly 80 deg in most states. The earths temperature is effected by the solar flares emmited from the sun, in which there is a lacking of.  So be prepared to be wearing a light coat in the summer evenings

  25. it didn't realize some people don't believe it's happening. i thought there were just some who wouldn't care. maybe they're in the state of denial, don't u think. i don't know. it's kind of just ridiculous to say it's not happening.

  26. I am one of the people who do not believe in global warming. I still think it is important to protect the envirment though. My main reason for not supporting global warming....

    Average Temperatures are dropping...

    Explain that to me please.

  27. GW is the only "scientific" theory where if the data does NOT match the theory ------ the theory remains intact.

  28. There is No Evidence Man-Made CO2 Causes Climate Change!!!!

  29. Well I do believe in global warming and I do believe that man kind is to blame for it.  Because we're the ones with the big factories and cars that burn chemicals that go in to the atmosphere and therefore it causes a huge hole in the o-zone layer and therefore the suns dangerous UV rays hit the earth directly and so the earths temperature rises, and that's not good.

  30. I think Virgil's answers about cover it but would like to add;

    1  The entire "problem" was a result of finding a hole in the ozone layer.  However, the ozone hole is at the south pole and all major industrial polluters are in northern hemisphere.  So why isn't the hole at the north pole?

    2.  The Florida everglades are undergoing a 5 BILLION dollar restoration.  The EPA is in the middle of a 10 year plan to correct the flow of water and remove dams and levees.  Well how did the dams and levees get there?  In the 1960s the best geologists and engineers said they were needed!!!

    Here we are 40 years later undoing their fix.  This is the problem with global warming, we do not understand if we have a man made problem or if it is natural from the sun spot cycles, volcanism, etc.  The first PhD in atmospheric science was granted in 1986.  The field is only 30 years old.  (By comparison geology was developed about 1870, so it was about 100 years old when they decided to "fix" the Everglades in the 1960s.

    As Plato said government leaders tend to "find" complex problems so the general population will need the leaders to address the problem.

  31. I just watched 4th of July fireworks in a jacket last night.

    I was very cool here in Missouri last night. But as day doesn't make or break the man made global warming theory.

    To me the proof that there is no such thing as "man made" global warming is the fact that the Earth has warmed and cooled at least five times. All without man.

    I also have a hard time believing that CO2 which only makes up .04% of the Earth atmosphere is the cause of global warming. On top of that of the .04% of CO2 in the air - man isn't even responsible for 1/3 of it.

    The globe may be warming. I tend to think it has something to do with that big yellow ball in the sky.

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