
I dont understand how this whole process works with weightlifting?

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Okay so i get u lift like diff muscle groups daily let um rest..but it seems like body builders sit around and arent active?? like if u wanna build muscle u cant be active? i hear u have to rest like all day i mean i play soccer have school in a week im gonna be on my feet much much the question is am i misintereting this that bodybuilders weight lift eat alot and sit around and gain does it work




  1. yes basically i like many other bodybuilders generally do a little cardio first thing or last thing during the day, eat a considerable amount , do a bit of weight training then relax, and sleep for at least 8 hours. yes we bodybuilders are good at weight training but are quite cardiovascular un fit.

    we do this because of the fact that muscle only grows while you rest. so you need to let the muscle recover otherwise it won't repair and grow.

    erm in regards to your school routine just train as normal but don't do any cardio outside of what you do in school as this will burn off too much muscle mass.

    but don't fret too much i started training at age 12 and i made very good gains.

    i'd recommend you check your weight and record what you lift each session and if your not happy with your results tell me and i'll try and give you some help.

  2. That's actually true, most bodybuilders will tend to lead a very sedentary lifestyle outside of the gym.  Bodybuilders are mainly sitting around all day, outside of the gym, and just eating and resting.

    However, you don't have to sit around all day, soccer shouldn't mess up your results much.  But, if you are going to be playing soccer you need to eat even more calories if you want to bulk, since soccer will be burning tons of calories.

    You have to still eat the right foods, but you will need a lot to make sure you don't lose too many calories from soccer, if you are still bulking.  If you are cutting then soccer is pretty much all the cardio you need, just keep lifting heavy, and eating fairly low-calorie, healthy foods, high in protein and low in carbs and fat.  I would highly advise you take a scoop of Whey within 30 minutes after a soccer game.

    Best of luck!

  3. yeah pretty much

    they just lay around all day...its so there body can repair itself better and the calories wont be burned off so you dont have to eat as much

    if your trying to gain some muscle then eat alot more... cuz youll be burning off precious calories

    there really wont be a difference if your eating enough lol

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