
I dont understand how to rotate or how to switch in the 6-2 rotation. Can anyone explain it to me?

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i am a left hitter in the 6-2 rotation but i would also like to know the right hitter position as well.




  1. Okay, well I don't really know how to explain it, and I obviously can't draw a diagram on here, but this website shows how to rotate and also has lots of extra information that can be helpful. This is the website:

    Hope this helps =D

  2. Well...if you are the left hitter (outside hitter or strong side) you don't need to do anything while in that spot. If you rotate to middle you just wait for your server to hit the ball then you move to the left and switch with that hitter. Then you are on defense and ready to block the opposite hitter. This is were it gets a little tricky...depending on your coach and skilled players your team will either receive serve with all 5 or as few as 2 players. I will break each scenerio down for you...

    Receive with 5 - Lets say you are still middle right now. You have a responisibility for the short middle serves. After the other teams serves...and your team bumps, set and spike by your team...someone should say, "switch" and you go to your left side hitter spot and your ready to block on defense.  Okay - lets say your are on the right side now. You have responsibility for short right side serves. Same thing, after the bump, set, spike you yell switch and get over the left side as fast as you can so your in ready position for the other teams attack. Okay now your in back row...the setter always takes right side defense on the 10' line. You and whoever else is in back row switch to whoever can play middle back defense the best. Okay - say your serving and your not the best back row player...where are you going? Left back defense after you serve. While your serving the setter will be in front of you and the middle back defesive player will be in position already so you just serve and move all the way left for defense. Don't forget your rotation....

    Receive with 2 - Then the front row players are out of the play and can switch as soon as the ball is served. They have to be carefull not to screen your own players so they need to be on the very outside of court but not overlapping.

    You might be able to find some coaching tools online and I know they have VB videos too...

    Good luck

  3. basically in the 6-2 rotation the right side (or setter) who is in the back row will come to the front  and set once the ball comes if you are in the front row you just rotate normally to your hitting/blocking position (right side) but if you are in the back then you rotate to your defensive position (normally position 1) and then once the ball comes over you run up to the setters spot.

    i think that is what you were asking so hopefully it helps, my university team doesn't use a 6-2 in game but we learn it anyway so we can be diverse.

    Good luck

  4. i would help you but i have the same problem but im the right side hitter i would help you if i could

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