
I dont understand sky+?

by Guest60805  |  earlier

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If u can pause live tv with sky plus then wont it be out of time with everyone elses tv? :S

Does it just get back in time once you switch it off and on again? I dont get it..




  1. Yeah it does leave you out of time, unless you press play and then stop or if you fast forward to catch up.


  2. lmao! lets just say its magic and leave it at that yeah? :)

  3. Yes if ou pause it for 5 minutes then it will be 5 minutes behind everyone else BUT

    you dont have to switch it off to get it back to normal just press the stop button

    ALSO You can always fast forward during the brake to slowly catch up with everyone elses time!!

    Hope This Helps!


  4. Yes it means your behind time than normal. It records it onto the hard drive in the box so you can rewind and fast forward. It would be a bit like watching something on tube every one can see it in there own time.

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