
I dont understand why i feel deja vu really often!!!??!!?

by  |  earlier

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It's so wierd, even freaks me out, but it happens ALOT. I am only 15 about to turn 16, and i feel like i might have pyhic intuition u know?




  1. hmm that is weird.....who knows...u might have like psychic  abilities.

  2. omg it happens to me too and im only 11

  3. cool. don't be freaked out, i think it happens to a lot of people. my sister (she's a year older than you) gets it a lot, and me (i'm your age) sometimes, but apparently she's figured out it's because she dreams little things in the future. Like, it's not always the case, but i know she's not lying because once in a while she'll say "I had this dream i was at a table with so-and-so, and ____ happened." and then a few days later, that actual thing happens!\

    so don't be scared. it's cool. and hey, tell people you're psychic! haha. jk... maybe you shouldn't. but it's not a bad thing.

  4. I am not neurologist, but in my experiences, my deja vu always comes from me having dreams about a situation before it happens in real life.

    These dreams always have certain details that make them noticeable when the real life situation comes along. Maybe its a hidden form of psychic intuition, maybe it's just our minds playing with us, maybe we just dont understand time and space.

  5. it might be something your subconcious mind was thinking about, but you werent aware of. And probably dreams you had, or similar to, which you couldnt recall the next day, but when the event happens you get a deja vu

  6. I don't understand why either - possibly it's indigestion.

  7. you are exactly were you are supposed to be on your life track...i have had it since i was 6....just go with it and it can be your guide.

  8. Some one told me this the other day.

    When you experience deja vu it means your exactly where you are supposed to be in that moment.  So that means your doing everything right! Way to follow life's path haha

    Hope i helped =]

  9. this can also be a sign of schizophrenia and/or bi-polar. i have both, so i have deja vu constantly. in any case, consider it a gift, you can see what others cant.

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